Jurassic World Movies

A New Approach to Jurassic Park? - JP4 Plot Speculation

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AdminIndoraptorMay-09-2013 11:08 PM
Since this isn't official news, I'm posting this mixture of speculation and rumors here, in the [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] discussion forum, so feel free to contribute your thoughts below. Okay, so over the past few weeks, I've been speaking with a few friends through emails and in person about [b]JP4's[/b] plot. We all know that the initial draft of the script was written by [i]Rise of the Planet of the Apes[/i] writers Amanda Silver and Rick Jaffa. They were brought on to the [b]JP4[/b] project for their work with the [i]Apes[/i] prequel. They did an exceptional job bringing back an older franchise with a modern twist. So, this was the stepping stone for the following speculation / rumors... With regards to [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] we have two paths the plot can take. The first, being a prequel. What happened before [b]Jurassic Park[/b]? What happened before Hammond had things under control enough to invite a team of scientists (+Lawyer) to visit and sign off on the park? Surely there were a number of events which occurred before the park was cleared for public visitors. Path #2 which is where this topic takes off - is a sequel, set in the near future. Through my conversations and personal debates with a number of fans, and friends, factoring in the reason why Rick and Amanda were brought on to write the fourth installment, the common theme in all our discussions were - surviving an apocalyptic situation, as if we were living, 65 million years ago. Think it's crazy? Well, keep reading... [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] - set in the near future, depicts what happens to the Dinosaurs on Site A, B and C. They've evolved. Life found a way... and they got loose. A common theme in the Jurassic Park films were scientific ignorance - just because we can, doesn't mean we should. Our ingenuity and innovation have been portrayed as our greatest enemy in a number of films; The Matrix, Terminator, Jurassic Park, to name a few. So, in [b]JP4[/b] it's hypothesized that the film will show an Earth, overrun or in the process of being overrun by Dinosaurs, which have evolved to suit the timeframe they've been involuntarily been put in. So how does [b]Isla Nublar[/b] fit into this? Well, it's our thesis that a team is assembled to go to the source of where the Dinosaurs originated and try to find a way to kill them off - a mass genocide to save the human race from extinction. Remember in Jurassic Park, there was a gene implanted in each Dinosaur that would cause them to die off if not constantly looked after by InGen staff? Well, clearly something went wrong and now InGen, and whoever else involved, needs to find out why. Another theory - mutation. Before you throw your laptop off your desk and curse out those scrapped designs of human-dino bio-weapons, hear me out. Mind you, I'm not talking about human hybrid dino-warriors. I'm talking mutated Dinosaurs, that are extremely hard to kill. We've all seen what radiation can do. We've seen what it can do in the movies as well. So, here comes theory #2 which loosely ties into theory #1. Site A and Site B are subject to a radioactive agent in an attempt to kill off the remaining dinosaurs, by order of the resident government, or for whatever other reasons. They can't nuke the islands, because well, that would cause too many issues for the rest of the world. So they devise this ingenious chemical, which is thought to kill the Dinosaurs humanely and quickly. They breathe it in - they go to sleep, then once in a comatose state, the chemical switches off the various organs, killing the Dinosaur, then quickly decomposes the body. But, obviously, something goes wrong and the chemical they release on these Dinosaurs, mutates their genome, making them more hostile, more intelligent, near zombie-like and extremely hard to kill. By zombie-like, I mean scary and messed up, not slow and brain dead. Following the "mutant evolution", a team is sent to Isla Nublar to ensure things went as planned and to study the side effects of their latest invention. But as usual, the Dinos don't respond well to their new guests and this team is exposed to even scarier, smarter Dinosaurs. Scenerio #3, following the past 2, revolves around the team bringing back some of the mutated Dinosaurs back to the mainland to be studied and they get loose and really mess shit up. Think the above ideas are crazy? Well good, cause they are. They have to be crazy. It has to be out there. How many times can you go back to the island, be inspired by the Dinosaurs for a bit, until they get loose and then run hiding until the military comes to save you? The fact of the matter is, that whether [b]JP4[/b] is a prequel or sequel, there needs to be change. There needs to be a new angle, a new direction for the series to take in order to keep audiences interested. Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver were hired to do JUST this exactly. Look at what they did with the [i]Apes[/i] prequel, similar kind of approach as we're expecting with [b]JP4[/b]. Not to mention... what's scarier than a Velociraptor? A mutant, smarter, faster Velociraptor who really wants to kill you, not necessarily to eat you, but just to kill you. Also remember, multiple sources close to the [b]JP4[/b] project have vouched that the film will deliver on an [i]EPIC[/i] scale.. which leads me to further expect a crazy new approach to the franchise. Now, factor in the recent info that the [b]JP4[/b] script has been re-worked by Trevorrow and Derek Connolly, apparently due to the fact that Spielberg was not thrilled with the initial draft. It could be that the studio and Spielberg thought the above synopsis was too "out there" for a JP film. Spielberg may have also preferred to keep the film family friendly and thus go with the prequel option instead of the crazy, out-there sequels mentioned above. But the problem with a prequel is - we know what happens at the end. We've seen what the events lead up to. So... it's my guess that [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] will not be a prequel, but a more mature sequel. The above theories and speculation are a mixture of my own thoughts and the thoughts of a number of people I've spoken with in the past month. So, what do [b]YOU[/b] think? You know they need to do something with the franchise to keep it fresh, modern, and interesting. So keeping that in mind, I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this, so feel free to share your ideas below! Hopefully we'll have some official leads on the [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] plot soon. For that, be sure to keep an eye on [url=http://www.jurassicpark4-movie.com/]JurassicPark4-Movie.com[/url] and our [url=http://twitter.com/JurassicPark_4]Twitter Feed[/url].
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
23 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-09-2013 11:29 PM
The ideas are just WAY to "out there". Crazy, as you've said/tweeted is the only world that keeps repeating itself in my head. What made Jurassic Park (1) majestic is both the terror and beauty of it (which IMAX 3D enhanced - I miss it already!). This sounds WAY too Popcorn. Of course nothing's solid yet but if that's what they were gonna go for, they better scrap it while they can. I've never eyed this close to movie production news in my life. The state it's at now is really confusing and frustrating. I hope we get an official statement, one that clarifies the direction its going. Then again, we already got one from Universal, which pretty much says to "sit and wait".


Interstellar-Movie.com AdminMemberCompsognathusMay-09-2013 11:36 PM
I do like the idea of the Earth being threatened to be overrun by dinosaurs. Colin T. and Frank Marshall are going for something memorable, no matter what the actual plot turns out to be.


Co-AdminMemberCompsognathusMay-09-2013 11:59 PM
Excited about the second idea, got my heart racing
[url=http://www.madmax4-movie.com/]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

That's so Raven

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 12:10 AM
Site C only exists in fanfiction and it wouldn't fit into the plot like site B did. Isla Nublar is not overly populated like site B, which is why the "Kill button" (lysine) allowed site B dinos to live and Isla Nublar would all die out. They only lived on 'cause site B had soy beans which are rich in lysine and the herbivores ate them, the carnivores ate the herbivores and we all live happily ever after. Also the whole mutated thing is just going over-board at will make the whole idea of dinos living in the modern world just a snuff film and people wont really take it as a serious movie (even though it's the fourth film). But the main plot is that the 4th movie will actually take place a little before and a bit during the first film, this is because they can't really think of a good reason to go back to site B (Isla Nublar has been ruled out, regardless of "world problems" from any nukes) especially after JP3 was released so if they date it back then, they can bring in whole new characters without having to explain their ages, it also gives a lot of time for them to back JP5 and 6 before JP2 was made, or JP3 even, an idea might be the fighting and survival of when the hurricane wiped out Isla Sorna as Hammond said to Malcom at the start of the second.


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 12:12 AM
I've hoped from the beginning that they would do a sequel that is actually formed by the first one. The announcement of them returning to Isla Nublar has had my hopes for this sky-rocket. What if it has something to do with the original bad guys, who were trying to steal the DNA, returning to the island in an attempt to find the Barbasol can that Nedry dropped. The can had coolant in it, and it got buried in mud--so movie wise--the DNA could have been kept cold long enough. Plus, they can totally justify saying something like 'having a GPS chip hidden in the can' so they could find it if something went wrong. Then, in an attempt to stop these guys, who would know the main island better than Dr.'s Grant, Sattler, and Malcom? Clearly there are holes to fill, but I feel like this could make an epic and story-fulfilling sequel, with an appropriate ending to the story of Jurassic Park. (We already had a "horror film" with the 3rd one. We don't need another. I enjoy the 3rd film just because of the dinosaurs, but what's the point of making two sequels with no point or true tie-in to the first film. They just used the first film to explain why there are dinosaurs in a modern world for the 3rd).

That's so Raven

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 12:22 AM
Jurassic Park:Origins are doing a prequel, it's been almost 2years in development but have seem to be doing a good job.


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 3:11 AM
Well here's an interesting idea I've come up with- we've seen our land dinos, and pterodactyls but we've neither seen nor heard anything yet about aquatic dinosaurs. What if the scientists at Isla Nublar were working on breeding some prehistoric aquatic monsters like the Mosasauras or Elamosauras. I've always found them terrifying. They could have been bred at an under water facility (this may sound slightly extreme) connected somehow to a river/lake which in turn possibly connects to the ocean and are somehow close to breaking out due to the weathered nature of the forgotten facility. It's not perfect but it's a premise they could work on and no one can deny that the aquatic dinos are terrifying

That's so Raven

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 3:42 AM
^ Actually in both Jurassic Park:The game and in the original novel there is an aquatic exhibit with a mosasauras in it.


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 5:42 AM
Hmm, is it only me who feel that Jurassic Park movies can't be over sci-fi and apocalypse style? Of course, I still wanna know the history and science material which related to the park and dino. But I just can't imagine while dinosaurs has taken over the world like most of the zombie movies, while dinosaurs are just animals but no virus to spread, it's kinda easy to become a war + monster movie = Godzilla. Don't get me wrong, I do like Godzilla, but I just hope Jurassic Park to stay on its route, I am more into running in the park, in the facility buildings, and dinosaurs are hunting them. On the other side, I do hope JP4 to gets epic, but I don't want it to be related much to military, gun fights, just sound bad to me. By the way, appreciate the good writing here! =D


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 5:59 AM
@That's so Raven- That substantiates it even more then. I really should get around to reading the novel, but I think introducing an aquatic dinosaur could really make this very interesting. The only possible way it could have survived is by gaining access to a lake, which may now be connected to a river following long periods of storms around nublar which presents the risk of them escaping into the world's oceans and possible causing serious havoc. Sounds like a plausible reason as to why Grant/Malcolm would head back. And like i said before- Mosasaurs are pretty damn scary!

That's so Raven

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 6:22 AM
@Jonathan23, I dunno if the mosasaurs is in the novel but the exhibit is, but if you play the Telltale game you also meet a nocturnal dino that has a venomous bite, you could youtube gameplay/cutscences and see it all, the exhibit is built in an artificial lake/lagoon like in jaws 3 and it is connected to the ocean by a small cave so it is something they could do, with site B too 'cause ingen was making a lot more dinos there than they put in the actual park


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 9:27 AM
so im just guessing here but if speilburg didn't like it... it will either be really horrible or it might be worth seeing i know almost every plot steven aproves of is really good also mosasaurs wasnt in the book it was planned for phase 2 but never talked about, also these theories remind me a bit of my plot i did a while back about them surviving the bombing in the magma chambers of the island... and then they become nocturnal hell spawns

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 10:58 AM
I dont know why people think the Barbasol can can play a role in JP4, the coolant has only enough for 36 hours, hence why Nedry tries to rush to the dock. It cant be used for a new plot in any logical way. Mutations are way over the top. My take for JP4 and Isla Nublar should either involve Biosyn not knowing about Site B and going to Nublar looking to exploit any remaining tech or something, or an idea Ive seen around of a prehistoric disease that has been revived with the dinosaurs and the need to go back to the Park to try to cure it or something. No rescue mission please. Way too cliche and overdone. Another possibility is having some parts of the South American continent being populated by certain dinosaurs. Having news cast about appearances of dead dinos in Costa Rica or Panama and for some part of the movie have some military expedition to nvestigate both Isla Sorna and Isla Nublar on how they are reaching the mainland. Thats my take. :)


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 2:34 PM
I sincerely hope they don't take the ol' prequel approach. I'd much rather hear about what happens next than back when Jurassic Park was just kicking off. There's MUCH more potential for a heart-stopping and thrilling story-line. Plus, a prequel wouldn't fit because if there had been a terrible chaotic situation with the dinosaurs pre-JP, why would Hammond, Wu, and co have still opened the park?? There's much more hope in a sequel, and I'd prefer no apocolyptic situations if they can be avoided.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant

That's so Raven

MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 3:12 PM
Jurassic Park:The Game covered a good enough story for the barbasol can thing, a prequel could still could have potential because they never opened the park, there were problems and they wanted people to come in and sign off on it. They could quite easily make a movie about people escaping and surviving site B when hurricane Carissa wiped it out and ingen left it until JP@ came a long.


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 4:05 PM
i think the fourth shouldn't be a prequel (id really like a prequel though) with ti set to spawn off like 3 more movies why not make the next 2 (including jp4) aftermath and the final one a prequel????

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 2:54 AM
They definitely need a new hook or point of interest for the next JP film. I think its being ramped up due to well known classics(Star Trek,Star Wars) being brought back to life with a vengeance.Disneys gonna want to retrieve the 4 billion dollar bill from Georges universe...and they probably will,so the next JP has to be super good.


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 11:18 AM
OP's plot idea is so bad it would actually make JP3 seem reasonable, and not the idiotic pile of crap that it is. How can you possibly think it is even remotely a good idea that A) the script writers produce the EXACT SAME STORY they are already running through the new Apes series, or B) That Jurassic Park be basterdized by an Apocalyptic scenario movie? The DINOSAURS are not the bad guys. They never have been. Unbelievable.

kenney sills

MemberCompsognathusMay-13-2013 12:19 PM
Aloha from Kauaii~ how about the grandkids growing up to be paleo-scientists? asked to revisit the quarantined islands and build up from there? attempting to research the progress of the last 20yrs while others attempt to re-contain the dinosaurs with drastic results while sightings are comeing in all over the central and south american land masses? proccedeing from there to bounce back and forth from past to present as well?..developeing our conflict to save and protect and/or destroy these miraculous creatures who are beginning to multiply! go for "miracles and discovery" over tragedy and disaster..aloha


MemberCompsognathusMay-13-2013 2:55 PM
@Bombillazo: I know/understand what they said about the coolant, but it's a movie, and they're not the most consistent. Also, Spielburg himself has said that his original idea for JP2 was to be centered around retrieving the Barbasol can. The only reason he did not do it, was because this was the first "true" sequel he's ever done for a movie, and he was scared/nervous. Since he was so nervous about doing a true sequel, he decided to base it off of Chrichton's other book for safety. In other words, the possibility is actually there, especially since the 3rd film does not fit in with the story.


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2013 7:26 AM
Path 2 sounds better, because the poster for JP IV as seen on this website is a group heading towards a broken facility. This means it would be a sequel.


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2013 7:26 AM
Path 2 sounds better, because the poster for JP IV as seen on this website is a group heading towards a broken facility. This means it would be a sequel.


MemberCompsognathusMay-20-2013 11:32 AM
Okay, I am seeing a lot of misinformation on this website I am sorry to say. During the beginning of Jurassic park 2 Mr. Hammond explains to Ian Malcolm that Isla Nublar had to be wiped out by engine after the accident occurred at the park. So the idea that they would discover anything in the park some time down the road would be highly unlikely. Also Sarah Harding explains in the second movie to Ian that the animals survived on site B because they ate lisene rich vegetation and that enzyme transferred to the carnivours once they ate the herbavours, so they had already explained why the dinosaurs were surviving without being supplied the enzyme. As far as I can tell the only direction I can see that would ultimately keep it a true Jurassic Park film but still bring something new to the table is to make the story revolve around part of the cleansing crew who went to wipe out site A finding the can of embryos dropped by dennis nierdry, and him being privatly hired to look for it by the same corporation that hired Dennis to steal the embryos at the beginning of the original Jurassic Park. Have this guy find the jeep Dennis was killed in, search the area, and find the can, and have it returned to his employers within the 36 hours before the coolant ran out in the can. From this point you can have another park open on the mainland through a new corporation then the dinosaurs can get loose. This gives you still the feel of Jurassic Park but also gives the high intensity carnage that people expect from movies in our day and age. With a variety of dinosaurs loose on the mainland it gives a sense of possible overthrowing of the human race, and allows for a much wider range of encounters to be seen. More dinosaur on dionosaur and human on dinosaur violence. Basically this idea would revamp Jurassic Park for a generation that wants to be scared and wants to see that "WOW" factor.
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