Jurassic World Movies

Other Prehistoric Creatures

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MemberCompsognathusMay-08-2013 7:45 PM
I think that they are very selfish in only including dinosaurs in the Jurassic park movies/books series as well as in this website at all. In the next movie it would be a very exciting and nice touch to add all new species of dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures that are not dinosaurs for me. There are many ferocious, titan sized, and amazing prehistoric creatures besides only dinosaurs and some people seem to forget that they too are included in the study of paleontology and prehistory. A large crocodile scene would add nicely to the overall action journey. Maybe sarcosuchus, deinosuchus, or even a very fresh discovery like kaprosuchus(boar croc). they did live amongst and even preyed upon the dinosaurs.
4 Replies

Dino Fan 150

MemberCompsognathusMay-08-2013 8:00 PM
There were Pteranodons in The Lost World and JP3, though.


MemberCompsognathusMay-08-2013 9:58 PM
there was never a jp3 novel Michael critchon never got to writing one and in the books there was never a spinosaurus or many other dinos listed also many of the dinosaurs are re-selected to keep the franchise running for example what would jurassic park be WITH JUST PTERANODONS exactly they need old dinosaurs added in with new ones also no one really wants to see a croc as the main predator maybe as one that appears 1 or 2 times but not one that terrorizes the group also its difficult to add in a whole new species because (now this is other peoples opinions not mine) they all hated spinosaurs when it came in and killed rexy, i dont really care what new dinos are added but dont stray to far from the original cast of dinos

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-09-2013 12:35 AM
Well first of all I never I never said as the main predator. I said as a nice touch. People love seeing new things, new ideas being put into things like movies series, television series, and new video games. Part of the human nature is to seek out and even create new things. Even the slightest extra details here and there can make a movie as big as this that much more enjoyable. You never know what the plot might be and how things like that could fit into it. It wasn't a super serious statement. That was just my opinion as someone who loves paleontology so much. And Kaprosuchus would be a nice little touch. He wasn't too huge of a predator. Besides all of this, I know that it could be argued that other species wouldn't fit into the "ideal" plot but notice how I also said in the movies/books? As in it would've been cool if they were in it from the start.


MemberCompsognathusMay-09-2013 12:38 AM
Whenever i said "all new species" I didn't mean it as in all the animals in the movie should be new and none of the old ones included. Its a literary term for things that are brand new. like saying a single thing that just got out in stores is the all new ____.
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