Jurassic World Movies

JP4 Had Script Problems=Hold

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MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 10:39 PM
Im Sandhu from JPL As the people who run this site can vouch for me, Horner confirmed to me that it is indeed cancelled/ on hold because of script problems
3 Replies


AdminAllosaurusMay-07-2013 10:41 PM
Well that is really unfortunate news then, thanks for informing us Sandy.


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 10:48 PM
i just tweeted colin asking him if they were true or not i hope he responds i need this to be put to rest... (sorry i tweeted him before i read sandy but oh well we need full confirmation)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


AdminIndoraptorMay-07-2013 10:57 PM
Paden is right, as (unfortunate but) helpful as the emails are to help in solving this mess, we do need some kind of confirmation from Colin, Frank or Universal. I mean, Colin will be out of a job and Frank will lose out on a ton of cash, so I expect we'll hear something from them if this is true. [b]Jurassic Park[/b] is one of [i]Universal's[/i] most bankable franchises. To cancel it this far into development is a major waste. Especially if it's only because they want to milk what's left out of the other two [i]Jurassic Park[/i] films, by converting them to 3D, before they tackle [b]JP4[/b]. They are gonna piss off and let down a lot of fans if they are serious about this.
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