Jurassic World Movies

JP 4 Scary Dino...in our face the whole time?

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MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2013 8:06 PM
Hey guys, so time for some questions to be posed/ideas and brains picked for JP4. First up, island location. Nublar. Awesome! This will provide a fantastic atmosphere for terror due to the extensive degradation of the park. Fences, buildings, etc. Also, it creates a lot of room for the inclusion of many dino species, as in the first film we only saw a small handful. We may finally get to see a proper sized dilo! Anywho, I don't want to go into too much thoughts on plot, but there is one thing I want to ask - what is this scary dino Horner talks about? I think for clues we should examine the DNA theft scene with Nedry. There are what, 15 species of dino shown in those fleeting moments, and only 3 or 4 were shown in the film. Any of our resident dino experts feel like delving into this little research? If so, this could provide us with a great idea of what dinos we will see. Especially, plot depending of course, since it would be difficult for the writers to justify any new species outside of the original 15 to be on that island.
12 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 9:16 AM
well i think well probably see a nocturnal troodon, in the game they were very elusive... and scary good lord they popped up and around anywhere and with the poison abilities of a dilo who knows theres also thought to this because it says hammond discontinued the troodons because he couldn't turn a profit off of them thats why we dont see them in the main dna capsule in the film

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 11:10 AM
Here is the problem with that; why would hammond keep the animals a)alive and b)even bothered to ship them to Site A from Site B? It wouldn't make any logistical, financial, or even practical sense. The other issue is this; will the film makers take JP The Game as official canon to the movie verse? In the movie verse, we already know Hammond had other paddocks or attractions which weren't going to open until 1-2 years after the park officially opened, thus allowing the sea animals (bad idea IMO) and flyers. Since this is taking place on Nublar, we have to consider the idea the dinos we will see are the ones listed in the genetics lab for sure. The only conceivable way to include new dinos is if inGen were to try and re-open the park and ship Dinos from Site B to the main isle. Which even the idea itself is not that great considering the canon of the first 3 movies. The company is now under terrible press do to the events in Lost World, so any attempt on their part to go and re-open the park is not going to sit well with the population.


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 3:32 PM
Xenothinker, I did some research on the cold storage room and the dino embryos that appeared in JP. When the scene starts, the embryos visible are Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, Stegosaurus, Gallimimus, and Metriacanthosaurus. The Last one, Metri, could very well be the terrifying dinosaur we are anticipating. It was not a superpredator, but a medium sized therapod of the genus sinraptorid. This could look REALLY scary if the visual effects are done well, and it could be justified because the embryo was in the original JP. [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6d/Metriacanthosaurus.jpg[/img] [img]http://0.tqn.com/d/dinosaurs/1/0/i/Q/-/-/metriacanthosaurus.jpg[/img]

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 4:47 PM
I don't think they will limit themselves to the Dinos seen in the embryo cold storage thing. remember that we only saw the one side of it(there were embryos that went all the way around the thing) Also I think that really when it comes down to it, one land Dino isn't really much "scarier" than the next. One might be a different color, have weird horns or crests, fly, swim etc...but what makes one scarier than another is the execution on screen. like when the raptor went through the pipes and stuff behind Sadler (I nearly pooped my pants the 1st time I saw that.) or when the Rex was feet away from Grant and Lex by the car stairing at them trying to figure out what they were. those are scary moments that don't really require specific Dinos to be scary. they're what I call "horror movie moments" All said, im STOKED for this to come out! Feel free to disagree with me though lol


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 9:00 PM
@xenothinker well hammond ordered them to be eradicated but dr sorkin some how managed to ensure they stayed alive.. she kept them in the quarantine pens at the south dock they escaped and ran loose around the island

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-10-2013 6:28 PM
Firstly, since it's based on land I think it's safe to assume it won't be a marine predator, though I'd love to see a movie featuring Lipleurodon; I know it's not a dinosaur, but it'd be terrifying! Secondly, I don't think it'll be a small dinosaur, they will probably add new smaller dinosaurs, but this mysterious "Terrifying" dinosaur will be big, probably a large therapod dinosaur, something huge that rivals Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus (which may well make a return in JP-IV). Spinosaurus, although larger that Tyrannosaurus, was a fish eater and doesn't have the large jaws capable of rending a few tons of flesh in a single bite, I think the new dinosaur will be similar to Tyrannosaurus in this regard. So a very large therapod dinosaur that rivals Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus? Two dinosaurs immediately come to mind; Giganotosaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. Either of those or perhaps even something I haven't heard of would be amazing! It's also worth noting that Carcharodontosaurus featured in Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis, though I don't think the games will have any influence on the movie. Those are just my predictions anyway. I honestly can't wait to find out. Keep posting those suggestions, I'm very interested to hear what you guys think!


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 12:02 PM
There is ZERO logic as to why a nearly identical predator such a Giganotosaurus or Charcharodontosaurus would ever replace the iconic Tyrannosaurus in a Jurassic Park film. Spinosaurus was understandable, as it was larger and physically different enough to create visual distinction. Even a dinosaur nut would have a difficult time differentiating tyrannosaurus from Giganotosaurus or Charcharodontosaurus. An average person would have absolutely no clue. Therefore the entire idea of another large super predator being introduced is purely absurd. Even the Spinosaurus has little to no chance of returning due to the extreme hatred that he generated from most fans. The Tyrannosaurus will return as the primary large super predator in Jurassic Park four. End of discussion.


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 1:39 PM
But if T-rex will be the dominant predator, why was there that whole thing about a "Terrifying New Dinosaur?" I doubt Jack Horner would put that out there if this new dinosaur won't be playing a major role in JP4.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 10:10 PM
Actuall Dino fanatic I do believe we'll see Rex return he's the glue to the franchise but on site a there's obvisily a predator that was missed in the first film and comes up and challenges the Rex I'd imagine either a dilo or maybe an alpha trodon (one that's much larger then the normal trodons)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusMay-12-2013 7:46 AM
I agree that Tyrannosaurus will return as the superpredator. I don't understand why the new scary dinosaur has to be a large carnivore. It would be fine if it was, but why not a smaller one? Maybe the raptors are the main focus this time. Or perhaps a medium sized predator like Austrolaventator or Ceratosaurus.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusMay-12-2013 12:02 PM
Just to clarify, I never said they were "replacing" anything, I was simply making a prediction as to what this new [u]addition[/u] might be. Tyrannosaurus is a given, I wasn't saying - or even implying - it'd be removed. I mean, why would Jurassic Park not have a T-Rex? Anyway, the logic behind my predictions is quite simple. 1. I can't see them implementing a sea creature since the movie is based on land, plus they aren't dinosaurs. Horner said quite clearly that the new addition was a dinosaur, so it has to fall into that category. 2. It's unlikely they'd use a small carnivore as a new "terrifying" dinosaur as they have Compsognathus, Dilophosaurus and most importantly Velociraptor, which would be hard to out-do; attempting to do so would most likely end up being underwhelming to say the least. Though I'm happy to be proven wrong on this issue! - Again, they may add some more of these dinosaurs, but I'm just saying I don't think it will be the new one we are discussing. 3. I don't think it'll be a herbivore since people generally don't consider herbivorous dinosaurs to be very scary, there are some pretty formidable herbivores, but they don't actively hunt since they aren't predators and thus they pose no active threat to the humans - except in defence. 4. Pterosaurs have been done and thus aren't new and despite being huge they don't really make for a good "villain dinosaur" and again they aren't actually dinosaurs. So, using this deductive reasoning, what do we have left? Land based predators - specifically therapods! We only have two super-predators in the whole franchise, it would make sense to introduce a new one, and probably one that is bigger than Tyrannosaurus. I don't think they'll use smaller ones like Allosaurs, but I see how it could work. So, two dinosaurs that fall into the remaining category; the huge therapod super-predator, of which there are only two in the whole franchise, are Carcharodontosaurus and Giganotosaurus - again there may be many I don't know of, but something along those lines anyway. I'm in no way suggesting that the only feasible "terrifying" new addition is a huge therapod dinosaur, I'm simply saying that it seems - to me - to be the most likely approach. That is my logic anyway, dissect it if you will, I just wanted to share my thoughts that's all. I may be wrong and that's cool, they are just [u]predictions[/u] after all! I guess I just want another huge carnivore and it's a bit of wishful thinking too, but whatever. I'm still interested in people's suggestions though.


MemberCompsognathusMay-12-2013 12:40 PM
well what would happen if your lunch, didn't know it was lunch, would it still be lunch???? i thought that you were implying the rex wasn't there sorry my bad also those are some very plausible predictions

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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