Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park IV to be like star wars 4?

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MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 12:47 AM
anyone remember star wars a new hope? well jp is much like the star wars saga well in theme (dinos with light sabres FOR THE WIN) any who in a new hope they tried to recreate the Jedi well why cant jp 4 be trying to remake jurassic park... slightly like TLW... except this time ingen succeeds now I've also came up with a plot for this too so hold on to your butts its long plot after the destruction of the park, the dinosaurs "dead", ingen thinking ahead had the chief geneticist henry wu to transport the embryos on the boat to there facility in California, where after the news of the disaster reached them kept the embryos in the vault and a secret held them until the island was bombed... after the bombing they began secretly rebuilding the island, hammond had been funding it but hadn't been told about it until after TLW (thats why he had the news interview to make sure no one went to the islands) in the twenty years until now the island has been rebuilt and has no hidden problems.... or so they thought... before the bombing most of the dinosaurs hid in caverns and caves all over the island surviving the bombing. the creatures became more intelligent in the caves becoming nocturnal and killing of rats or birds at night they were undetected having felt the park is finally okay ingen and john hammond invites the original cast to the island and he invites there kids as well they take an almost identical tour to what they saw the first time this time no accidents (for this scene they use the vehicle we see in AL3INS discussion with the ATV) while out on his usual shift a security officer notices a brood of eggs... right on the side of the road... he jumps out and inspects the eggs he hears rustling and sees glowing eyes he reaches for his gun.. a troodon jumps out of the bushes and pulls him in cut scene into the iconic jeeps we see roland tembo and two security guards they hear the screaming and jump in the jeep and head off as the group comes close to finishing the tour a storm sets in enclosing the island in darkness the lights come on but its not bright enough to keep hells demons of the dark to there caves the creatures emerge right on the tour road but the vehicles are already at the vistor center. the creatures emerge from the bushes having more intelligence the dinosaurs have learned to work together even though there different species to achieve there goal... destruction of man on the island they charge out from the bushes coming straight at the hotel were only a few people are at the time they crash into the structures some break through windows and doors killing everyone in and around it. cut scene vistor center looking out from one of the domes of wood we have tim and lex they watch in horror as the building crumbles they can hear the distant screams of people dying tembo and his team radios in what they found but its to late the creatures have taken out the hotel and a warehouse at the docks and are slowly taking out the boat. tembo orders the park into code red and sends out the emergency distress signal but it may be too late the nocturnal dilos have taken out the radio tower (there full grown) as tembo gets a response a t rex breaks through the side of the vistor center and begins gobbling up people and tearing things apart the group gets separated the kids (tim lex kelly ellies kid (who'd be like 10 in the movie)and that kirby kid forget his name) and the adults (well twenty years has passed so technically i cant call the kids kids anymore ) the groups get separated and some horribly wounded over the p.a. system in the park a message for evac at the heliport is called out the groups hurry as fast as they can (some people die ellie comes very close to dying so does kelly) right near the heli port the groups meet up but there not alone the nocturnal raptors have followed them and cut them off, the group all cluster together, alan seperates and from the group and come up with gun (alan a revolver as seen in the first movie and roland a double barrel shot gun as seen in the second movie) two raptors charge alan he shoots one but another takes his place, roland jumps up with his shot gun, alan falls to the ground as he kicks shoots and stabs the animals around him, roland picks off the raptors around him before he stops to kill the ones around alan alan is bleeding horribly at a fast rate but there are more raptors nocturnal as they surround the group (ellie and tembo can be seen helping up alan) another pack of raptors comes out, there not nocturnal though they fight the other raptors to the death as the group makes there escape cut scene one large ingen heli the group climbs aboard and the chopper takes off... the heli bursts through the clouds as the sun sets the camera goes from person to person (like in the first) showing there exspressions end title spoiler for the seqeal the boat at the dock... not sunk or anything perfectly fine... we see the claws of a raptor cut the rope tying to boat to the dock... well that only took me 3 hours to write.... but it includes every bit of leaked info we have so far... the youll need to keep the lights on after this movie, nublar, no feathers, and a really cool car

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

3 Replies


MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 12:01 PM
Pete Postlethwaite died in 2011. /plot attempt


MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 6:17 PM
dang it well looks like roland tembo is replaced by roger tembo his son (he is 14 in TLW) im trying guys also has anyone noticed that roland and Robert Muldoon are almost identical ???? so why not another muldoon or tembo to take the place (id imagine that roland would've told his kids to stay away from ingen...) id like another muldoon more then a tembo oh well it doesn't matter its just a plot sketch ment to be changed also thanks for noting this pmzanetti :) much appreciated sad that he died though :'(

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2013 9:12 AM
scrap the sequel i have a better idea but im pressed for time right now so ill have to right it later (had it written all down previously it was very good and then my computer turned off.... BLASTED COMPUTER) okay ill try to remember the best i can of what the sequels were... jp 5 sequel in end of jp 4 a man in a red shirt and a white hat reads a news paper at a bar in costa rica he grins as he reads the article about the dinosaurs on nublar and then he tucks the newspaper under his arm and gets up to leave on the back of his bag it reads : lewis dodgson biosyn bioengineering company i have the next 3 movies plots written down but im too lazy to write them down right now

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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