Jurassic World Movies

Why Spinosaurus Wins

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Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-27-2013 7:52 PM
First of all, i am soooo f***ing sick of trex fanboys, they always go for the only thing that would give trex at least a little chance of winning.... the bite force. That would probably be the only thing trex would have a chance with. Who is to say spinosaurus had a weak bite force anyways? Look at its jaw structure, it looks a lot like a crocodile's, and guess what has the strongest bite force today... CROCODILES!! Spinosaurus's head is about 2 to 3 times bigger than a croc's, so magnify a croc's bite force to about 2 to 3. Spinosaurus has a lot more advantages when it comes to fighting and defending itself, like its big ass arms and hands equipped with 3 foot meat hooks, compared to trex's dinky ass little arms with two fingers. And also who is to say that spinosaurus only ate fish and small dinosaurs. Im pretty sure a carnivorous dinosaur THAT big must have killed and eaten dinosaurs as big as soaropods. so all of you trex fanboys better get your damn facts right. im sick of seeing those pivots on youtube that make trex win every time and making it bigger than what it really is.
74 Replies


MemberCompsognathusApr-27-2013 11:44 PM
t rex and spino were separated by an ocean and central america the chances of the two actually meeting and then fighting each other would not have happen i love spino and rex and i makes me mad when people say ones better then the other they were the top predators of the climates the rex in north america the spino in south america jack Horner also shared some of your feelings he didn't like rex winning every time so he changed it up and had the spino kill the rex, when he was interviewed about it he said that rex probably would've won if they did meet in short rex and spino were equal predators from there destination, granted a full grown female (they were much bigger then a bull rex) probably would've taken down the spino also theres a lot of theories saying that most of the carnivores were evolving and losing their arms (you can see this in rex's small arms) you can also see this is spinos arms

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 11:47 AM
@Spinosaurus rex i like the fact u have REX atbthe end of ur name, ur a rex fan waiting to burst out i no it :p Also if spino had dinosuchus skull on its body id agree with u 100% it would be immense and just a mostrosity . BUT its skull was very lightly built and crocodillian shaped! So prob wouldnt be that robust like rex or dinosuchus hense lack of jaw power. Spino was designed to be intimidating and quality at aquatic catching as well as prob fighting Rex fought for food everyday against tanks of herbivors!

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 11:55 AM
dude i said rex at the end of my name to specify that that is what spinosaurus should have been named, if spinosaurus were discovered before trex it would have have a name with rex at the end, and tyrannasaurus rex would have just been tyrannosaurus, it dosnt even deserve the name tyrannosaurus. Spinosaurus needs and deserves a lot more notification.

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 12:00 PM
and also the biggest spino found is much bigger than the biggest trex found, and since there was only one or two spinos found, it is very possible that there were bigger ones, there are much more trexes found than spinosauruses and they are all close to the same size

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 12:13 PM
Did any of you stop to think that the first and biggest remains of spinosaurus were destroyed ?


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 4:50 PM
Yh i did know , was during the war, n got bombed! How convenient, the bombers knew it wasnt T rex so thought it wasnt worth keeping mounted so blew it up :p And besides yh it has longer legs n longer tail so they prob did grow longer! its a unique dino that looks cool! In some cases spino could win! sure if an average sized rex had to fight a " 56ft" spino "that was destroyed" then yh hed probably think " bolox i aint takin on that bastad hes huge" but pound for pound it is basically like a 6ft 2 middle weight (spino) takin on a 6ft heavyweight ( rex) . KO pal. One bite n spinos skinny head would be a gonna! Besides its banta who knows they were both so gd at what they do could be a flip of a coin! They could go back to doin what they both do best !! rex could prob go back to crushing ankylosaurus and taking on triceratops with that beast of a head and spiny could go and catch some fish with them big old arms.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-28-2013 5:09 PM
You are right when you say that Spino's jaws were built like a crocodile's. But let's not forget, while they are powerful, the muscles for opening the jaws are extremely weak. Spino is a really cool dinosaur, and it certainly was very frightening, but T-Rex has a slight advantage when it comes to all around. T-Rex had the 6 000 pound bite force, Spino had the meat hooks. If Spino were to get a good slash in, it would have to get past T-Rex's jaws. If it were in dense jungle, T-Rex, being smaller, would have the advantage. If it were in an open field, it could go either way, Spino could give T-Rex a good hard slash, then continue, or T-Rex could headbutt Spino in the chest, then go straight for the neck, or the battle could last for hours and one would succumb from it's wounds, and/or exhaustion.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 6:01 PM
I know Spino was a fierce predator, but I still feel a rex would win. Spino could not survive on just fish and small dinos. I feel it also fed on carrion. T-rex did not need to use it's arms in combat. Modern predators like wolves don't use their front feet. Also, Spinos sail would have been a disadvantage, made it less agile and full of blood. Either way, my opinion is my opinion. Rex would win, but that's just me.
"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2013 8:59 PM
"Spinosaurus Rex"? nah, does'nt have that same ring to it. Tyrannosaurus Rex is deserving of the "Rex" name because of it's tough bones and powerful jaws along with it's banana sized teeth which were designed for taking down armored dinosaurs like anyklosaurus and triceratops. I'm sure Spinosaurus was a fierce predator as well, I like it too but it was more of slasher than crusher, the bones were strong but not strong enough to withstand a powerful blow or bite from another big powerful dinosaur like an ankylosaurus or t-rex. fish and smaller dinos were it's main prey. Yes, it did have longer arms and was bigger than t-rex as far as the length goes. But all in all, I still say the Rex would've won if they were to have ever met. And by the way, I still loved Jurassic Park 3 even though I disliked that scene.

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 4:37 PM
spinosaurus had to have some preety strong damn bones and muscles to carry itself around plus the strength to defend itself while hunting or in a terrestrial fight, so stop trying to find excuses to make it sound like a little pussy that cant defend itself, and im sure all spinosaurus had to do to an ankylosaurus is flip it over with its arms and claw its stomach.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 4:49 PM
I'm not trying to make Spino sound weak. I'm just saying that wasn't as strong as T-Rex. Spino probably did have bones that were dense enough to withstand some force, but not as dense as T-Rex's bones. Spino most likely did have sufficient strength to defend itself (it lived in the same time and area as Charcharadontosaurus). I think Spino ate some fish and small dinosaurs as well as carrion. Don't forget that Spino's diet is more based on discoveries of fish scales found in Baryonyx fossils. And same with it's arm size. T-Rex was more likely to be smarter due to the millions of years of evolution. Spino's sail would be a disadvantage in a fight if the foe wasn't intimidated. Spino likely also killed and ate hadrosaurs like Ourannosaurus.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 5:01 PM
you dont know if its stronger or not, nobody does, but its preety much common sense that spinosaurus would be cause it had to carry that weight and also had to be even more srong to defend itself. And also read my other posts, there is absolutely no way something that big could only eat fish and small dinosaurs, and we dont really know which one is smarter, we had enough remains to show its the largest of all carnivorous dinosaurs aand they werent well preserved, and they were destroyed after that and that was the first one found, so it is extremely very likely that there were bigger ones.

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 5:57 PM
I didn't say Spino ate only fish and small dinosaurs, I'm just saying that it probably ate those at times (possibly low food resources). Spino was likely also lighter than it appears, I have read some that say it only weighed 4 tons, while others say as much as 20 tons (I personally think it was somewhere in the 6-10 ton range). I do agree that it was kind of sad when the first skeleton found was bombed. For all we know, yes, there could be larger ones (maybe not likely, but certainly possible). It didn't have to be super strong to defend itself (but it was for sure strong). Spino was more lightly built than T-Rex. T-Rex had denser bones than Spino, and it had a stronger bite force than Spino. Spino had a relatively skinny neck in comparison to T-Rex's, and it's teeth were designed to bite and hold on to things (like possibly a fish), while T-Rex's teeth were designed to crush and rip through bone. Spino was very cool and unique, it just likely wasn't as strong (I honestly don't know, scientists just say that little marks on bone indicate where muscle was attached, and T-Rex had it everywhere. Look it up, but if you find a T-Rex vs Spino forum, ignore them, they are complete BS. Some say Spino's arms were so powerful, it could rip T-Rex's head off before it could get anywhere near it, while some say T-Rex was so powerful, it could just bite Spino in half).

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 8:28 PM
you trex fans feed off of outdated info, seriousley

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 8:52 PM
I've seen other discussions where other people are more biased than you. Everyone has opinions. Find something positive about T-Rex (I say positive stuff about Spino, and it's not because I'm just being nice, I genuinely like Spino, I just like T-Rex more). You do have some valid opinions, just back them up (it helps strengthen your argument).

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 9:03 PM
i know and ive studied bout spino since i found out about it

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 9:15 PM
Just out curiosity, when did you find out about Spino? I found out about dinosaurs when I was around three (first time playing super Mario and my dad tells me Bowser is a dinosaur). T-Rex has always been my favourite (what doesn't scream awesome to a three year old like a 7 ton, bipedal predator that would be capable of crushing cars?). I grew up with T-Rex being the most badass creature ever, and old habits die slow. Spino is really cool though, it has those big arms (for such a large predator), it had a sail, it likely could swim (nostrils on top of head helps with theory that is fished at least a little bit) and it was extremely agile for such a large size (possibly to compensate for being lightly built, possibly).

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 9:20 PM
in 1996, i bet if i said i found out bout it in jp3 yo would have lots to say, but i found out bout it in 1996 when i was 5

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 9:27 PM
jk, i did find out bout it when jp3 came out, but i have studied bout it ever since and more and more has been revealed bout it over the last 12 years

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 9:31 PM
Ok. I first found out about it in a book when I was 4 (just started school, picked out first dinosaur book I saw). You are right, I would have lots to say about (before JP3 favourite dinosaur, T-Rex, Velociraptor, etc. After JP3 favourite dinosaur, Spinosaurus because it killed a T-Rex in a movie, so it must have been better). After the initial shock of watching the fight (roughly a month, when I was 8) I looked up some information (found out about research on the Internet, before, I thought it was just games and whatever teachers made you do), and discovered Spinosaurus was really cool, and added it to my knowledge of dinosaurs.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 9:34 PM
I was still writing my first one when you posted the second one. The smiley face (don't know how it got there) was meant to be 8.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 9:34 PM
before i found out bout spino, my favorite was carnotaurus

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 9:39 PM
oh its alright

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 9:45 PM
Carnotaurus is pretty cool. Another thing that really strengthened my love of T-Rex was JP TLW, when the Rex pushed the bus thing of the cliff, when it walked through the backyard brick wall, and the city rampage with the bus. TLW was the first JP I saw (the lost world sounding like something that would be the first in dinosaur movies). I love the whole Jurassic Park series (my background picture is the Jurassic Park logo, as is my COD emblem (black ops 2)

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 9:51 PM
i dont know why but ive always kinda chuckled when the trex was in that neighborhood when it moved its hand in a way as if it were saying hi, i dont know why but i just do, and also my ps3 wallpaper is the jurassic park 3d wallpaper, i saw it in 3d 3 weeks ago and it was like experiencing it to a whole new level, i heard sound i never heard... i didnt get to see it in theaters the first time cause the first movie is 4 years older than me

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 10:01 PM
I saw it in IMAX 3D. The graphics were amazing! I chose MrHappy9097 to my name just because it is easy to remember (my Xbox live gamertag)

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Spinosaurus Rex

MemberCompsognathusApr-29-2013 10:09 PM
oyy, another thing to argue about, ps3 and xbox, jk lol

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 10:21 PM
I don't know how to add photos from my camera to this site, so I may just end up making a YouTube video (also Mrhappy9097, YouTube was first, I forgot the h was lower-case when making my live name, and the capital stuck). I don't post very often, I have one video, and it is of my pellet gun.

Jack of all trades. Master of none

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-29-2013 11:08 PM
I forgot to mention the pivots. Those thing are so funny, I don't watch them to see what could happen, I watch them when I feel sad about something because they are just so funny. I added a video on YouTube with my emblem and some other things.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusApr-30-2013 7:07 AM
You mad bro? Got sand in your private area?

We aint outta here in ten minutes, we wont need no rocket to fly through space.

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