Jurassic World Movies

Bye Trex :(

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MemberCompsognathusApr-13-2013 10:48 PM
New super predator in JP4? Was I not the only angry when the Trex in JP3 was way to easily defeated by the Spino? After years of loving the all too terrifying Trex, I lost all hope in ever accepting the Spino and new JP movies. Bring the Trex back! No questions my favorite dinosaur of all is the Trex. I want to see him come back with his full size and strength and woop the Spino in JP4, not a new super Dino coming in and beating Spino! How do they keep getting these new dinosaurs, the movie was made in long ago, before feathers and other new discoveries, they can't just say along with reviving Dino's, we have incrementally spawned larger ones in discoveries from up to 50 years later! Most viewers will not dislike the movie for being scientifically incorrect, they want to see something awesome, like the trex coming back and winning his place on the throne. Currently I disclude JP3 from my JP collection.
27 Replies


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 12:46 AM
hey they didn't all have feathers (this is quite the heated debate trust me im in 3 right now) if they didn't do the feathers on the raptors the team at ilm said they weren't going to do raptors because they were over done in the other jp movies as for the spino winning, jp 3s Dino supervisor jack horner said he was tired of seeing rex win again and again so he switched it up... when he was interviewed on the subject he personally said the rex would've won in real life also the movie was released in 2001 by my standards that is not a long time new dinos come in because they want to keep the franchise moving foreword with new creatures

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 7:47 AM
Watch this link on youtube of T REX . Its an awesome doco with really good CGI for a documentry that goes over its bit strength, muscles, n how its an advanced killing machine . I loved it so would love to hear ur views !! http://youtu.be/4URe7c7Gq30


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 11:47 AM
Nooo! Don't exclude JP3 just because of the Spinosaurus! It's a great movie nonetheless.

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 12:19 PM
I just felt JP3 took a different approach from the first 2, it didn't really have that great of a story. JP was the birth of the island, and JP2 was InGen trying to rebuild the park in a city. While JP3 was a kidnapping suicide quest to save a kid. I loved the raptors and pteras, but I also feel that everyone wants to go super scientific in JP4 when JP3 was off. Thanks for saying it kindly though, other people would be less nice.


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 1:56 PM
I understand. Still, I kind of enjoyed the break-off of the whole InGen plotline to a more down-to-earth kind of story. JP3 showed the re-uniting of a family over a life or death experience, and it included lots of amazing and cool (though not always correct) dinosaurs!

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 3:35 PM
i probably should've worded my first statement differently sorry about that oh well im just saying the rex always winning was getting just a bit tired i do love rex winning i just think they need to branch out to other ideas then rex constantly winning

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 7:47 PM
Another speculation I would like to make; I disliked the way they dethroned the king, it would be interesting if in JP4 they find the Spino dying from the bacterial bite of the rex.


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 9:04 PM
Despite what many people say, I loved Jurassic Park 3 just as much as I loved the first 2 films but I will admit I was pretty ticked off when they had the Spinosaurus kill the T-Rex, what they should've done is just have Spino beat him but let him get away instead of killing him off like that. In real life, the Rex would've won. But it was great seeing a different super predator as one of the main dinosaurs for the film. T-rex is still the best though and I hope he takes his place back in 4.


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 9:07 PM
I want to T.Rex back again, but frankly I don't want to see another fight with the Spino. I just want a good movie with an interesting plot and new dinosaurs too. Also I think that T.rex, Raptor and maybe Dilophosaurus are the only iconic dinos of the franchise.


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 10:28 PM
guys it was a one time thing with the spino they only had it in to "liven" up the franchise as i said before the head Dino supervisor said he only wanted the spino to win because he didn't enjoy seeing rex taking the whole franchise to himself

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-15-2013 12:25 PM
relax. i agree with x_paden_x and besides new dinosaurs are good, it cant be the same old things over and over again. i am a huge dinosaur fan and yes i like t-rex same as you but think about it? wouldn't it put mystery into the new film. instead of knowing exactly what dinosaurs there are you could be more anxious to see what happens next with all the other dinos. other then be like yeah i know what that dinosaur can do. i like new. Because the same old same old is a little boring even if you made them do other things. GO NEW DINOSAURS :) and maybe they will have trex come back. who knows? i think that be cool too but it be better if they had new dinos too and not just trex and vel. raptors ya know?


MemberCompsognathusApr-15-2013 3:10 PM
They should have 3 main dinos for the next film, T-Rex, Velociraptors, and a water dino, either Leopluradon or Mosasaur.


MemberCompsognathusApr-15-2013 7:10 PM
water dinosaurs is a bit difficult to do (you cant use animatronics and lets face it with cgi you can detect the image is fake) you know how they used "foreshadowing" in TLW about the dactyls i think were being lead on by the ceratosaurus we see in the end of the third film let me list how it might be our next contender for the kings crown 1 he didn't kill anyone 2 he had A VERY short screen time 3 he didn't hunt anyone down this evidence leads me to believe hes returning to compete the rex (or something else) for his throne

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-15-2013 9:27 PM
I could see Ceratosaurus being in JP4, but I don't see it being the super predator. Ceratosaurus was around one ton in weight, it was primitive, and it was relatively weak (but still dangerous due to speed and sharp teeth). If the Rex is not super predator, it should at least get some screen time (maybe at the end by fighting the super predator and killing it with a swift bite to the neck). I really want the Rex to be number one again, with Velociraptor and Ceratosaurus being two and three.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusApr-15-2013 10:32 PM
lets look at statistics a velociraptor was about knee height but yet there is several in each movie (velociraptor had its name switched with a bigger dromeasaurid) the compys smallest Dino there is (other then micro raptor) we see about 15 of them in each movie... why cant ceratosaurus be the super predator, its not about size height or weight its about whats new good and awesome

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-16-2013 6:54 PM
It's possible to use an animatronic for a water dinosaur if you use it with the right CG, if they can do it with a Spinosaurus(the one scene where he comes out of the water and attacks the boat) then surely they can do it for a sea monster. Regarding the Ceratosaurus, true, it is a cool predator but when you're talking "Super" predator, you need something that's huge in order to give you that fear factor. Although the Spinosaurus wasn't really intimidating in real life, it sure was big enough to be used as a new super predator. I think I'd be more afraid of a T-Rex or Spinosaurus chasing me instead of so so sized ceratosaurus. Now a giganeotosaurus or acrocanthosaurus, those would be better candidates for a new main super predator. Though again, I prefer the T-Rex to return instead.


MemberCompsognathusApr-17-2013 3:13 PM
Also regarding Ceratosaurus: @x_paden_x - the Ceratosaurus in Jurassic Park III was originally written to be a Carnotaurus, but Carno was cut from the movie because they didn't want to underplay its more major role from the book the Lost World. The only purpose Ceratosaurus served in the movie was to make the Spino seem more intimidating, hence the Ceratosaurus leaves Grant and the Kirby's alone without making any attack. No foreshadowing was intended for any future Jurassic Park installment. The only reason I would want to see a predator like Cerato pop up in JP4 is if it is getting eaten by a superpredator OR if it in some way makes the main predator look more threatening (like in JPIII).

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusApr-17-2013 5:18 PM
well like i said hed make a great OPPOSER to the rex

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexApr-17-2013 6:32 PM
x_paden_x I see your point on the Ceratosaurus. I just don't think it would be as fitting as the role of predator number one (and I want to see T.Rex return). It would however, make a great secondary predator, appearing in caves and buildings where, with any luck, the returning king can't reach. Just the same, if Ceratosaurus had more screen time, it would be pretty cool to give Velociraptor a run for it's money. With any luck, if the king isn't number one or have much screen time, T.Rex would be fighting number one, and then show up to see a pack of Ceratosaurus and a pack of Velociraptor fighting each other over a kill, then take the kill with maximum resistance from Ceratosaurus and Velociraptor who have teamed up, and send the survivors away a mess from their pack mates blood (if there is more blood in the movie, otherwise, just flung some of them of it's back and got them covered in mud).

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusApr-17-2013 10:19 PM
they always hide the death seen (whether it be dinos or people) if they can help it

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-18-2013 1:12 PM
Its not that of a big deal to me though, these new dinosaurs keep the franchise fresh ;p


MemberCompsognathusApr-18-2013 9:01 PM
True but the old ones are also what help keep it alive.


MemberCompsognathusApr-19-2013 7:10 PM
I heard that Paleontologists are ticked about no feathers on raptors. He is what I would like to say: 1. If they added feathers, it would make no sense bc the raptors in JP 1/2 didn't have them 2. If the idiotic paleontologist know that the raptors had feathers, then why do they need to be in the movie?!? Just enjoy the fact that they were able to make another sequel! 3. If anyone likes this post, please let me know


MemberCompsognathusApr-19-2013 9:18 PM
I agree with you Dan, you can't just add the feathers. Plus the Trex most likely didn't have feathers, since larger beasts retain heat better. Another comment, the Trex is the best choice for the super predator. I'm using its rival as the reasons. Spinosaurus-Most of you know, Spino was a fish catcher, not the scary to anyone but fish and humans, cant really fight anything. HOLLOW bones make it fragile plus spine. Gigantosaurus- Super unevolved compared to the Rex, lighter, longer jaw with less bight force, made for slicing then ripping chunks. Rex has the weight and bit on this guy. BTW, when I first google Rex vs Giga it was hilarious, the giga fans would depict the fight scene, most were far fetched like," The rex would have to bend his neck to bite him, so the giga had to do a backflip off a skateboard going uphill on the delaware and the Rex would break his own neck, Giga 100% win".


MemberCompsognathusApr-19-2013 9:28 PM
[img]http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/ZKvWybsH8Vk/mqdefault.jpg[/img] i have s udden feeling that the next jurassic park has a lower budget... LOL thats what i found when i googled rex vs giga

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-20-2013 7:11 AM
Harryscott107, google search warpath rex vs giga. It is hilariously wrong, I mean Trex it hit once and is suddenly dead! Give me a break! Make sure you click on the vid called warpath giga vs Rex NOT rex vs giga


MemberCompsognathusApr-20-2013 12:02 PM
The warpath thing was hilarious, when the Trex was thrown I really laughed, plus the Giga kicking the whole time.
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