Jurassic World Movies

Dinasours Spreading Out

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MemberStegosaurusFeb-20-2013 11:07 PM
As we all suspected when the movies were first two movies were made, there re marine dinasours(i dont know if thats the right way toput that, but oh well.) Watching Jurassic Park 3 made me wonder; Would the species of dinasours ever expand into the and throughout the ocean? I know they wouldn't move for the heck of it, but maybe they would find a better enviorment or for breeding purposes stray from the island to the open ocean. If something like that happened, qould the food chain be comletely changed. I have thought about this some and it seems like a chain of islands would lead to dinos spreading around(maybe sparsely, but spreading) around the globe?

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AdminIndoraptorFeb-21-2013 10:37 PM
I've always thought the same thing after watching Jurassic Park 3. It certainly does end with the impression that the Dinosaurs will expand their domain from the island and pursue new locations. It's possible Jurassic Park 4 could be seeing the Dinosaurs attacking cities.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberCompsognathusFeb-21-2013 10:51 PM
well that question has also puzzled my mind too,land based dinosaurs can swim, not very far or well but in the case of the isla nublar island chain they probably spread to the other islands in the chain for water dinosaurs escaping and exploring the rest of the world most were caged in there own paddocks on isla nublar (if you played jurassic park the game you know what im talking about). the Mossasaur was in a cave paddock and was fed by a hole in the side of the cave but it was controlled electronically meaning Mossasaur probably was the first to die out. that was the only water dinosaur on nublar there was probably only one cause its much harder to obtain water dinosaur DNA as for spinosaurs and the other dinosaurs I dont think they got off the island: 1 they were in a river when the spinosaur attacked (also there is not a lot of proof that spinosaurs swam in water (well he did but he wouldn't do to well in the ocean) 3 in the novel John Arnold said they were 120 miles off shore if any of the dinosaurs swam on to mainland they'd die from lack of a certain protein "they'll slip into a coma and die" But I could be wrong you never know they probably got off the island some how

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberStegosaurusFeb-21-2013 10:58 PM
Okay those are sound counter thoughts, but the life always find a way line reers it's ugly head again. The Lost World, he mentions something that changed to where they were breeding and grouping and living even though they were supposed to die without a certain, i guess chemical, i can't remeber what it is, but they survived and thrived. So if the mainland is attacked threatened by dinasours, i would assume they would have dinasours swimming offshore. I even forgot to mention flying ones as well. but it wold take a while for dinasours to establish themselves in the states so I can't imagine this being the idea of the next movie without it being placed in the far futurre.

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-22-2013 2:40 PM
the protein was lysine John Arnold say so in the novel but on site b the second novel tells more they were tagging and realeasing the dinosaurs into the wild so obviously they let them go on there own and probably released the lysine into there water supply as for pterodactyls getting off the island when there in the helicopter in the third movie a pterodactyl flys past the heli although we havent heard from byosin( dogsons company) you never hear from them again so I figure they A went bust or B are going to apear in the fourth movie capture dinosaurs and bring them on to the mainland and have chaos unfold in an old comic book it referred to the dactyls getting off the island and making nest in somewhere in California (i think) but the government had a problem with and yeah cant remember BUT they do get off the island (they became a tourist attraction) in the first book Malcolm says they've already gotten off (the land dinosaurs) by the cargo ship that comes to supply the island in the book several procompsognathus and a few raptors had gotten off by the boat so yeah fourth one will most likey have them on the mainland (possibly) " I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way. "-Ian Malcolm

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

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