Jurassic World Movies

Carnotaurus in Jurassic Park 4?

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AdminIndoraptorJan-20-2013 1:09 PM
In other topics on the Jurassic Park 4 forums as well as across the net, fans of the Jurassic Park franchise seem to be calling out for the inclusion of [i]Carnotaurus[/i] in [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b]. Since this lightly built carnivore seems to have so many Dino-fans excited, let's look at a couple stats of the creature below: [center] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/230/1/0/Carnotaurus_feasting_by_AIRt.jpg[/img] [/center] [b]Carnotaurus[/b], a lightly built Carnivore from the Late Cretascous period and measures in at about 8 to 9 meters in length and weighing a little over a metric ton. It lived primarily in South America and currently, there is only one species of Carnotaurus which has been discovered. [center] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcyifibCq31qff956o1_1280.jpg[/img] [/center] As you can see, Carnotaurus is not as large as [i]Tyrannosaurus Rex[/i] or [i]Spinosaurus[/i], but it is large enough that it could pose a definite threat to any scientists/military personnel we have in [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b]. If anything, it looks really cool and unique. So, we ask you, the fans - would you like to see [i]Carnotaurus[/i] in [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] and if so, why? Let us know by replying below!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
13 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJan-21-2013 5:37 AM
There is usually a super predator pursuing the scientist/military charcters, I don't think Carnotaurs(As unique as they may be) could fit the role of the main dinosaur of the movie.We need something a bit more daunting and intimidating.However I don't think it would be enirely terrible if they were put in the movie, it could be quite entertaining.


AdminIndoraptorJan-22-2013 1:09 AM
I wasn't thinking so much the "main" antagonist in the movie, cause clearly Carnotaurus is a smaller Dinosaur compared to Tyrannosaurus or Spinosaurus, but as an additional predator, like the Raptors, which cause some mayhem in the film, could be interesting!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberCompsognathusJan-23-2013 8:06 PM
id love that idea! like maybe a replacement for the raptors seeing as Carnotaurus is a smaller carnivor compared with trex. i would love it if Carnotaurus had the same exact color scheme as the picture above with a red head and tail and a white body with red stripes looks really cool!!


AdminIndoraptorJan-24-2013 12:53 PM
Yeah, I think Carnotaurus could make a good antagonist in Jurassic Park 4, but we can't leave out the Raptors. They're just as iconic as T-Rex. But in addition to, yes!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberCompsognathusJan-24-2013 4:28 PM
Exactly. The Raptors have always been apart of the Jurassic Park movies.


MemberCompsognathusJan-25-2013 9:50 PM
God! I love that creature and I hope that is part of the Dino casting from JP4.


MemberCompsognathusJan-27-2013 9:03 PM
Love the Carno....would like to see it in JP4


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2013 11:52 AM
I would love to see it! I mean, the more dinosaurs/antagonists the better!


MemberCompsognathusFeb-01-2013 10:29 PM
I think it would be really be cool to have a carno in the #4


MemberCompsognathusFeb-22-2013 9:20 PM
although it will be hard to find a place for the carno to take in jp4 it can be done he cant take the raptors (they are important) he might take t rex by why switch the top predator for something smaller BUT he could take the second leading character role sort of like the dilo in jp 1 (not the best example but still you get the point) from a fan site (jptoys.com) they mentioned there'd be some unreleased toys hitting the shelves one of the unreleased toys were a Carnotaurus so most likely be in (well it has an action figure)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMar-24-2013 2:31 PM
I agree totally with Paden, you can't take the raptors, but you could fill the second leading character role with carnotaurus. it could play an instrumental role in chasing the humans right to the super predator, and then maybe get eaten after getting some glory and good screen time. I say if it was in Michael Crighton's book, it deserves to be in the movie!

"Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

--Alan Grant


MemberCompsognathusSep-16-2013 5:19 PM
The carnotaurus has always been one of my favorite dinos. And also one of my favs in The Lost World. They only way I'd be happy with him to be in it, is if they do it the way in the book. With his super chameleon camoflauge

Arjan Bos

MemberCompsognathusSep-18-2013 10:18 AM
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