Jurassic World Movies

What director should helm Jurassic Park IV?

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Interstellar-Movie.com AdminMemberCompsognathusJan-13-2013 9:01 PM
Out of all the "above the line" filmmaking responsibilities (producing, writing, acting, and directing) the latter perhaps has the most difficult task. The director guides the cast and the entire crew. The director must overcome budget constraints, sick actors, disgruntled crew members and other obstacles to keep the artistic integrity of the film. But to the audience member the director must simply deliver (In the words of another great director : Christopher Nolan) grand scale entertainment. Universal Studios and producers Frank Marshall and Steven Spielberg already made the smart decision of hiring the husband and wife duo who wrote [i]Rise Of The Planet of The Apes[/i] to pen JPIV. Now let's hope that a true visionary arrives to take Michael Crichton's creation into the second decade of the 21st century. Who would you like to see direct JPIV? I think most agree that more desirable directors than Joe Johnston can step in. My list of potential directors are listed below. I did not list my favorite directors such as Chris Nolan, David Fincher, and Steven Spielberg because it is highly unlikely that they would direct. [list] Duncan Jones (Moon, Source Code) Brad Bird (The Incredibles, Mission Impossible IV) Josh Whedon (The Avengers, Firefly) Davis Yates (Harry Potter V, VI, VII, VIII) Mathew Vaughn (X-Men: First Class) [/list]

9 Replies


AdminIndoraptorJan-13-2013 9:21 PM
Great thread Travlis! Honestly, I would love it if Spielberg directed Jurassic Park 4, haha. But he's only producing it. So, going by the options you posted, I'd probably have to go with either Mathew Vaughn or Josh Whedon.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberCompsognathusJan-27-2013 9:05 PM
Peter Jackson........


MemberCompsognathusJan-28-2013 12:01 AM
I really wish Speilberg was directing


MemberCompsognathusJan-29-2013 8:48 AM
ANYONE but Johnston. But i wouldnt want jpiv to be directed by someone who directed a few Harry Potters because I personally hate those films.

We aint outta here in ten minutes, we wont need no rocket to fly through space.


MemberCompsognathusMay-14-2013 10:33 AM
i know he isnt but i wish steven speilberg would direct it because he did such a good job with the first two and i think he could do a good job with the 4rth one he's the best director ever.
KING KAIJU 1 small step for kaiju 1 giant step for godzilla!!!!


MemberCompsognathusMay-30-2013 1:37 PM
So wait is Colin Trevorrow not going to direct the film? I heard he is still fixing the script. If any director I would choose would have to be: J.J. Abrams. Although he is currently focusing on Star Wars. I love his sense of mystery and he has done fantastic CGI movies such as Star Trek, Super 8 and Lost. He can definitely make an awesome film! I was also thinking of Peter Jackson. But due to him working on the two other Hobbit sequels I doubt it. I would love to see Del Toro making Jurassic Park 4, with his colour palette he can really revision the franchise. Josh Whedon is my last choice. Cause of his awesomeness in directing movies such as Avengers and also SHIELD tv series, he can definitely make an awesometacular JP4 movie.



AdminIndoraptorMay-30-2013 5:32 PM
Until we hear otherwise, Colin Trevorrow IS still directing [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b]. I don't think the studio has any plans to cut him loose this far along.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberCompsognathusJun-13-2013 2:24 PM
Steven Speilberg thats my choice.


MemberCompsognathusJun-24-2013 1:25 PM
Colin Trevorrow is still directing people. let Spielberg go. That awesome fantasy should have died down by now
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