Jurassic World Movies

How would you manage Jurassic Park IV?

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MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2013 10:55 PM
Imagine Steve Spielberg, the official producer of Jurassic Park IV, calls you to ask your opinion on 7 questions: 1-Wich carnivore would be in your movie? 2-Wich herbivore would be in your movie? 3-Would you include sea and flying creatures, if yes wich one? 4-What would be your cast for the movie? 5-Where would the story take place? 6-Would you keep animatronics dinosaurs for the production? 7-What the story would be about? What would you tell him? Just imagine what would be your dreamed Jurassic Park movie. [center] [img]http://www.scified.com/cat_img/2.png[/img] [/center]
Huge fan of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Jurassic Park I and II movies. Hope the King will gets his revenge in Jurassic Park IV.
12 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2013 10:44 AM
Which* 1) Have to have a T-rex and some raptors. 2) Iguanodon 3) Both, but aquatic if I had to choose. 4) Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Joseph Mazello, and Arianna Richards should return! No overly-seen actors/actresses....... !!!!!! Charlize Theron!!!!!!!!! 5) The original islands. 6) Definitely. 7) Something good.


MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2013 12:55 PM
I think it would be a great movie with the ideas you just write. Here is what I would do: 1) Give the Tyrannosaurus Rex his King title on Isla Sorna. Bring back the The Lost World Velociraptors (even if we know they had feathers, the look is just awesome they could say inGEN modified their DNA), Allosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Baryonyx, and maybe a Dilophosaurus scene. 2)Bring back Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Parasaurolophus. 3)A Mosasaurus, Plesiosaurus, Megalodon and for air the Pterodactylus and Pteranodon. 4)Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Sir Richard Attenborough(If he is still able to make movie at 89 years old), Joseph Mazello, Arianna Richards, Julianne Moore, Vince Vaughn. 5)The original islands, most of the movie may be on Isla Sorna, but I also liked to see a T. Rex in San Diego, so maybe another dinosaur rampage in a city. 6) Like you said, definitely! 7) For the principal characters, they will need a really good excuse to go back on the islands. The older Lex and Tim could have been force by inGEN mercenaries to get back to the island and Grant, Malcom, Satler, Harding, and Van Owen decide to help John Hammond getting his grand children back. The Jurassic Park IV crew will probably find a way to create a great story and find a good reason to bring back our favorite characters to the island.
Huge fan of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Jurassic Park I and II movies. Hope the King will gets his revenge in Jurassic Park IV.


AdminIndoraptorJan-12-2013 12:56 PM
Hey [b]Xmorency13[/b], great thread! Let me have a go at this.. 1-Tyrannosaurus Rex, Giganotosaurus and perhaps Allosaurus 2-Styrakosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Torosaurus and Stegosaurus 3-YES - Leopluradon 4-Sam Niell, Jeff Goldblum, Laura Dern, Joseph Mazello, Arianna Richards to start, then I'd probably want to add Idris Elba and joseph gordon-levitt 5-Either as a prequel to JP3, showing what happened on that island, or explore Site C which exists in the Jurassic Park novels. 6-Absolutely. Jurassic Park had great effects, but knowing you're looking at a "real" Dinosaur is the bread and butter for me. Definitely a healthy balance of CGI and Animatronics are a must. 7-Hard to say. I love the original premise of the original Jurassic Park. I'll have to think on that one more... My opinions may change however down the road, so I'll be sure to come back to this thread periodically to update. ;)
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2013 1:08 PM
Great proposition Chris, like you said, I never saw another movie or TV serie with so much realistic dinosaurs, I mean look at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptors, Dilophosaurus and Triceratops they made in 1993 at a real scale, even in 2013 other movie makers cannot do better. This is why I hope they keep the first dinosaurs from the original Jurassic Park, but also bring new species so we can see what they would really be like in real life, not like the documentaries dinosaurs who doesn't look awesome. I'm pretty sure if they somehow recreate a T. Rex one day, it will look exacly like the one in Jurassic Park. Same thing for the other species, except that some would have feathers, but I prefer them without, like the Raptors.
Huge fan of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Jurassic Park I and II movies. Hope the King will gets his revenge in Jurassic Park IV.


MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2013 7:34 PM
I don't think I would add any dinosaurs IF the movie takes place on Site B. We have had two films located there with a bunch of new additions and a major continuity issue because of species appearing in 3 and not 2. IF the film is back on Isla Nublar, new Dinosaurs will work because the audience did not see the entire tour like the cast, but there were also a lot of hints at other species that we did not see. So for continuity sake, it works. As much as I love the original cast, I would really rather not see them in this film. I cannot think of anyway the writers could get Grant, Malcom (movie Malcom), or Sattler back onto those Islands. If they did the movie would be rather sub-par. I like the concept of BioSyn leading a small sortie party to the original Island to see if/what they can find to try and capitalize on the fall of inGen (which no doubt happened after the events of JP2). This would allow for a small cast, allowing for a stronger audience connection. It would also help create a sense of isolation and fear as they are utterly alone on the island. A big thing I would love to see, and probably won't get, is making the dinosaurs animals again. In JP2 (more so) and JP3, the carnivores were nothing more than movie monsters. In JP1 there was an animalistic curiosity to the carnivores that added to the believability of the dinos as real animals. With the sequels, they were simply there to kill off the cast. I would also like to see the writers address some of the issues created through their animal design, most notably the raptors. In the book there is this great conversation and ideology involving Dr.Wu about the animals being manipulated into what inGen wanted/figured their consumers wanted to see. This would help attone for the over sized nature of the raptors, the complete difference in the species as a whole across the franchise, and also help reinforce the original concept of genetic manipulation and its faults. Many of the Dinos in the book were version 2 or 3, with Dr.Wu wanting to push for version 4 to help slow the animals down because they acted "too real and fast". This concept would also work well with the above BioSyn plot line, and could take place in an office as they read left behind notes/ledgers. Another neat idea for existing on the original idea is one from the comics, where a south american drug lord takes up residence on the island.


MemberCompsognathusJan-13-2013 10:38 AM
As musch as i love aquatic dinosaurs, i dont think its a sustaining idea. what would keep a sea creature captive, if all fences are down and the dinosaurs roam free? a sea creature escaping could swim all over the world, the same with flying dinosaurs. dont missunderstand me, i loved them i JP3, but if would have written a JP film i would not include aquatic and flying dinosaurs. i think they should include all the dinosaurs from the first film and leave out spinosaurus and all the other new ones. i do agree that they should make them into realistic animals instead of just movie monsters. if they return to the first island there could be some interesting development. there was only one Trex in the first one, how long is the lifespan of such a creature for example? maby now its old and slow,less agressive? a lot of things to take in consideration.



MemberCompsognathusJan-17-2013 11:10 PM
Ok I do like the idea of bringing back Lex and Tim ..... the way I was thinking is that Since the new owner of InGen got killed by the rex in JP2 Hammond took over all operations of the company and since then he has passed away .... In his will he has givin the rights and ownership of the company to Lex and Tim .... As far as the rest of the cast I would love seeing the old people back as far as Grant, Sattler, Malcom, maybe bring back Malcom's Daughter into the scene as a Paleontologist new to the scene..... I actually wouldnt mind seeing Aquatic dinos I'm sure in the Embryo Storage room where Nedry stole the embryos there were a couple labels for an aquatic dinosaur .... how they can implement them are having lakes in an island that were where they had the aquatic species in or even on the outside perimeter of the island who knows they could have built giant fences that went down to the sea floor, a boat has to pass thru they lower a section low enough to let the boat pass and still blocking the way ....... We did have Flyers which I feel it provided a new dimension for the series so I wouldnt mind seeing them come back In response to a few of you guys, i understand where you are coming from about the whole "movie monster" thing but at the same time ... Let's look at it this way .... Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years, do we even know the true behaviors of dinosaurs? What we see in films is what scientists and movie makers believe how the dinosaurs acted .... So who knows these movie monsters could very well be lifelike, we dont know .... Now on to the topic of Carnivores and Herbivores: Carnivores: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Spinosaurus (Sorry I grew to love the rex killer, Velociraptors OF COURSE, And I wouldn't mind seeing a new species come in to the mix something like a Carnotaurus or even a Gigantosaurus Herbivores: Ok doesnt really matter which show up cause they will only have 2 seconds of screentime each and aren't going to be the focus of the movie so don't matter what species they bring into play. Now if we recall correctly in JP2 when the rescue/ study team were on the boats to go to Isla Sorna Vaugh was talking to the boat guy and the boat guy called the Island Chain "los cinco muertes" (the five deaths) ...... We have only visited Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna.... The writers have 3 more Islands to visit and we don't know what is on those islands or what kind of species can be introduced to those islands..... Ok time to let my fingers rest now hahah


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2013 9:15 PM
Re: Dinos as Movie Monsters; You maybe right, however, lets look at the series as a whole. In JP1 the dinos, especially the carnivores, have an animal curiosity about them with regards to their environment and to man. Look at the Rex and how she investigates the jeeps by rocking them. She isn't attacking for the sake of attacking, but when Lex and Tim freak out that is where the true attack starts. Even the raptors have a curiosity about them. Look at the kitchen scene, sniffing, hunting, licking at a spoon to discover what it is. JP 2; the rexes just flat out attack the rover, and continue to hunt the intruders. The raptors simply move in for a kill, despite being confronted by creatures they are unfamiliar with. Even the most hardened tigers or lions would sit back and watch to learn what these new animals do, then determine if it would be worthwhile to hunt. JP 3; we see a little more curiosity return to the animals, making them more believable, though they were still there to simply hunt the humans. Spino, for instance, according to film lore, has had no experience at all with humans, so why the douce is he on such a rampage trying to eat them?


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2013 7:03 PM
My only ideas would be this: feather the raptors, completely feathered as we know they were (canonocity would be an issue, but I'm sure it could be worked out). Add carnotaurus, this was perhaps my favorite dinosaur from The Lost World, and easily the most unique. For a herbivore, add a new ceratopsian, my vote would be for styracosaurus, and maybe a new sauropod, like shunosaurus or rapetosaurus. And location, in my opinion should be either Nublar, or the mainland, as long as the plot is viable you could have it anywhere and it wouldn't matter too much.


MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2013 10:03 PM
Yeah but I'm sure if you come face to face with a Lion or even a tiger, I'm sure that animal will out right attack you without a second to think .... If you think about it tho, in JP1 the animals were used to being fed, hence the scene when they tried to lure to rex out with the goat, and the scene when they dropped the bull into the Raptor pen .... Their natural instincts of hunting were being surpressed by the park itself .... In JP2 and JP3 there were no fences or humans feeding the dinos .... Thats when the dinosaurs natural instincts to hunt and just flat out kill were coming into play .... So therefor they werent really "monsters" per say but they were just finally getting the treatment they deserved ..... For a second let's look a moden day Alligator, you might be able to get somewhat close but just like a raptor he is thinking things thru planning its attack getting ready to attack when you least expect it .... Same things that the raptors were doing in all 3 movies, they were thinking their plan of attack out and actually working together as a pack to bring down their prey.... As far as the rexes and the spino .... I honestly don't think, now i could be wrong cause as i said in my previous post we don't know the true behavior of a dinosaur but in my honest opinion i don't think a rex or spino in their own naturaly habitat millions of years ago in the jurassic period would be curious about their prey .... If they are hungry they will attack at point blank, just like a shark in the ocean .......


MemberCompsognathusJan-19-2013 1:07 PM
Still disagree. Most predators, unless on the prowl (hunt), won't attack unless they feel they, or their territory, is threatened. Hence the watch and see what happens. The spino had no such motive. If he is hungry why go after the humans consistently when there is other prey to be had? Surely the energy the animal wasted following and trying to get the people could have been spent hunting an actual animal of sustenance. Same with the Rex in JP2. The raptors may have been hunting in a pack in JP 2, however, where did that pack go once Ian and Co. reached the old compound? We had what, two or three raptors trying to get them? Where was the rest of the pack? Also, Ian and Co. run into the grass almost as soon as the rest of the humans were taken down....where did the raptors go? The raptors in JP2 were really only there for the big climatic have to fit this species in for fan service. In JP1, with the rex, we get a whole scene of it in the wild and hunting something not human, despite the fear of the characters. In subsequent entries, we just have them there to trash, thrash and eat the humans. If it were hunting in JP2, it would likely have given up chase after the first handful of victims. Or stuck to its territory. That's a major problem as well. They talk about animal territories but we see none of this existing in JP2/3. Just rampaging Dinos chasing poor little humans. Oh, another fun fact, many scientists have concluded the Spino was more of a fishing carnivore due to its long snout. I think we can all agree the spino was just there to be there. That being said I still enjoy these movies (actually JP2 is the worst IMO). I really hope they can do this franchise justice.


MemberCompsognathusJan-20-2013 10:00 PM
I have to agree and disagree with you. I think you are right with the Spino in JP3 and the Raptors in JP2 that had no great motivation to follow the group and hunt them. But for the Rexes of JP2, I think they had a great reason to follow the group. Remember when they came to the van for the first time. They were searching their young Rex and they only attacked after the baby was taken out because they associated human with a potential danger for the baby. After the death of Eddie, Remember the discussion between Sarah and the InGen paleontologist. He was saying that the Rex were going to leave them alone when they leave the territory, but Sarah wasn't convice about that. She said they will keep hunting them if they still consider them as a danger. The Rexes great sense of smell guide them to the group because Sarah had still some blood on her from the injured baby Rex. So in my opinion, this was realistic. JP2 is my favorite Jurassic Park because they show the animals not like monsters at all (except for the Raptors, like you said). In JP3, the Raptors also had a good reason to follow the group, because they stole one egg from the eggnest. In JP2 the Rexes where described as great parents wich change the public image of the Rex wich was a big monster that wasn't taking any care of it's babies. Let's hope they make the IVth movie with realistic animal behaviour.
Huge fan of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Jurassic Park I and II movies. Hope the King will gets his revenge in Jurassic Park IV.
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