MemberCompsognathusJan-05-2013 12:22 PMAll I ask is please include the original 3 cast members Sam Neil Laura Derm and Jeff Goldbum it wouldn't be Jurrassic Park with out them...

AdminIndoraptorJan-05-2013 5:48 PMI agree with you 100% [b]Reco[/b]. Goldblum and Neil being my personal favorites of the series. To have them both in [b]Jurassic Park 4[/b] would be awesome. I'm hoping they both get cast as well!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2013 10:49 AMi agree too !! i really hope they dont replace them !

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2013 9:50 PMYeah me too, without Goldblum or Neill it's just not Jurassic Park.

MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2013 2:54 PMDoes anyone know if they will be looking for extras for the movie? [i] love all of the Jurrassic movies!

MemberCompsognathusJan-23-2013 3:24 PMPersonally, I'd like to see all new characters. I can't think of one single reason that any of those three originals would return to the island. Even if a loved one was somehow stupid enough to get trapped on the island. . . which I sincerely hope is not a plot point they intend to use.
What I WOULD like to see however, is the character types we saw from the original translated into a more modern, believable character. What I adored about Grant and Sattler and Malcolm was that they seemed like REAL people, making REAL BELIEVABLE decisions, in a REAL BELIEVABLE TERRIFYING situation. I read somewhere that what made us love the characters so much was the reactions of seeing live dinosaurs for the first time. We miss that if we use them again.
So I say bring on the noobies! Drop a fresh set of dinner pouches on the island for our lovable dinos. And for God's sake, DO NOT LET THEM HAVE EVOLVED TO USE GUNS!

MemberCompsognathusJan-24-2013 9:04 PMI wouldn't mind seeing new characters either, but I just can't seem to let go of Malcom and Grant. I would at least want them to have a small part in this film if not a large role. Maybe bring in Lex and Tim instead? I do wish they had stayed closer to the book, so much could have been done. Especially with Lost World.

MemberCompsognathusJan-25-2013 11:21 AMMaybe InGen could send a well equipped team in to fix up the park and control the dinosaurs and at the end we would have a Jurassic Park up and running the way they wanted it.
I dunno that may be a stupid idea. I would really love to see Grant and Ian back in the new film but just can't think of a way that they could be in it. Maybe a small cameo as a nod to the first movie?
As long as they don't have di-hu-ogs that can use guns. That script sounds like pure T-rex droppings!

MemberCompsognathusFeb-03-2013 8:17 AMit is true that without neill and gold bum it will not be the same

MemberCompsognathusFeb-24-2013 8:49 AMThese are my characters for JP4:
Alex Fletcher (Ellie Cousin - Dinosaur Expert - VISITS ISLA NUBLAR)
Lilly Fletcher (Alex's Sister - VISITS ISLA NUBLAR)
Oscar Dern (Dinosaur expert - VISITS ISLA NUBLAR)
[b]Lex Murphy[/b] (from Timmy's Sister - InGen Officer - DOESN'T VISIT ISLA NUBLAR)
[b]Tim Murphy[/b] ([b]From Jurassic Park[/b] - Now taken over InGen for Hammond - TAKEN TO ISLA NUBLAR)
[b]Ryan Grant[/b] (Ellie and Alan's 15 year old Son - DOESN'T VISIT ISLA NUBLAR)
Ellie Sattler Grant (Now wife of Alan - VISITS ISLA NUBLAR)
Alan Grant Sattler (Now Husband of Ellie - DOESN'T VISIT ISLA NUBLAR)
Liam Jacobs/ THAT IS MY POST!

MemberCompsognathusFeb-25-2013 7:14 PMthats a great list liam but I think in the third movie ellie is already married and had a child but I do think she should go to nublar :)
Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

MemberCompsognathusMar-18-2013 2:44 PMHow about this cast-give me some feedback
Dwayne Johnson-special forces soldier
Chris Hemsworth-Tim
Brooklyn Decker-Lex
Sam Neil-allen grant
Laura Dern-ellie
Jeff Goldblum-ian malcolm
Arnold Schwarzenneger-special forces soldier
Richard Attenborough-john hammond
Josh Hutcherson-us marine
tobey mcguire-bad guy scientsist
Austin Stowell- Special Forces Soldier
Matt Gerald- Special Forces Soldier
mixing old and new characters best way to go

MemberCompsognathusApr-07-2013 4:00 PMI would love to see Some old Characters involved in this somehow. Think it would just make for a great story, with the same feel of the first movie. I would love to be cast in this movie as well. "Guy driving a jeep who gets eaten by raptor" JP Let me know what you think!

MemberCompsognathusApr-08-2013 12:06 AMI believe it is an absolute MUST to bring back at least Sam Neil. And personally I would love to see either Liam neeson, Tom Hanks, or even Ralph fiennes, in my opinion

MemberCompsognathusApr-10-2013 5:24 PMi hated to see how Ellie and Grant were not together in part 3...i think they should have gotten back together in part 4

MemberCompsognathusApr-10-2013 7:29 PMAs long as they have Jeff Goldblum, Sam Neill and Laura Dern in it then I'm happy. To me, they are Jurassic Park. I'd love to see Richard Attenborough return as John Hammond as well even if it's just for a small part again. For new guys, I don't know, maybe Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford could make an appearance?

MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2013 5:10 AMI think Joe Manganiello (from True Blood) would be great, especially if the plot of JP4 include soldiers. And Kristen Connolly (from The Cabin in the Woods) as the female lead would be great too.

MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2013 8:50 PMI solely disagree Lextim. I personally am fine with returning characters but no star stars. The most believable part is the not famous actors. That way it seems like they are real and not "oh it has a bunch of the uberfamous actors and isn't real. No sir/mam. I will not tolerate superstars other than returning characters.
They show extreme intelligence; even problem solving intelligence. Especially the big one. We bred eight originally, but when she came in, she took over the pack and killed all but two of the others.

MemberCompsognathusApr-11-2013 8:53 PMOh and can I be cast ... ...maybe? If not then I will do this! [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8bfzfloOX1qh6w8to1_500.gif[/img]
They show extreme intelligence; even problem solving intelligence. Especially the big one. We bred eight originally, but when she came in, she took over the pack and killed all but two of the others.

MemberCompsognathusApr-12-2013 2:03 PMI hope all of the Old Characters of JP is Involve with this new JP Series. :>

MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 5:38 AMi really hope Dr.Grant, Ian Malcolm return.

MemberCompsognathusApr-18-2013 1:39 PMYee i really hope to see Grant, Malcolm, Ellie and maybe Hammond. Ofcourse there may be new characters but it just woudn't feel the same without them, a good example is pirates of the caribbean 4 its just not the same without Keira and Orlando

James Casagrande
MemberCompsognathusMay-04-2013 9:58 PMCAST:
Eric Bana as David Elliott
Isla Fisher as Jane Elliott
Ian McShane as Larson Henicks
Ioan Gruffudd as Jerry Summers

MemberCompsognathusMay-11-2013 11:39 AMIan McDiarmid takes over Ingen and puts JP back into production. Controversial.
Hammond & Co. (Neil, Dern, Goldblum) conspire to stop them and prevent the inevitable disaster.
This is probably not far off from the real plot.

MemberCompsognathusMay-25-2013 5:35 PMI would love to see Neil and Goldblum somehow in it even just as minor characters but a cool plot would be to focus on the military force that came in at the end of #3

MemberCompsognathusMay-25-2013 5:42 PMhowever pmzanetti your plot sounds awesome

mr rex
MemberCompsognathusMay-28-2013 2:06 AMi think tim & lexy should have some screen time after what they have been through also i think billy should also make a return! but most of all neil should return

MemberCompsognathusJun-22-2013 7:48 AMJURASSIC PARK IV CAST AND CHARACTERS
visit isla nublar :
sam neill as dr. alan grant
Matthew McConaughey as dr. larssen
Jessica Chastain dr. sandra, dr.larsse partner
dwayne johnson as 1st lt. johnson navy seal officer
sean william scot as master sergeant connor navy seal sergeant
B.J. Novak as 1st private denis navy seal private
garret ryan as bryan murphy, tim old son, a well-traveled and experienced documentarian and environmentalist.
bella thorne as annie winston, bryan girlfriends
mathew patrcik as jack
Ty Simpkins as andi murphy, tim younger son and little brother of bryan.
cameron thor as dr. lewis dogson main antagonis killed by T-rex
clive Owen as carl antagonis killed by spinosaurs
jeff cohen as roger killed by raptor
George Clooney as dr. erikson killed by compsognathus
not vist isla nublar :
jeff goldblum as dr. ian malcolm
richard attenborought as john hammond
joseph mazzello as tim murphy
arianna richards as lex murphy
julianna moore as dr. sarah harding wife of Ian
alesandro nivola as billy brennan
Ali Larter as Mia, Tim Wife

MemberCompsognathusJun-24-2013 1:29 PMI doubt Sam Neil's return. plus, the park is operational, so no Goldblum. There will be a new cast I'm sure. Bryce Dallas Howard?

MemberCompsognathusJun-24-2013 1:32 PMSadly, I doubt Sam Neil's return. Plus, the park is operational, so no Jeff Goldblum. I think there will be a new cast. Bryce Dallas Howard?