Jurassic World Movies

What I think JP 4 should be

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MemberCompsognathusDec-18-2012 7:29 PM
I think they should return to first island with the old cast and add marine Dino's like the game on iPad witch was awesome
4 Replies


MemberCompsognathusDec-23-2012 11:52 PM
Here's my take: After the events of the third movie: The opening scene is a dark control room with heavily armed soldiers moving tactically through the building after having been dropped by helicopters. The light from their gun mounted flashlights dimly paints the room and it immediately becomes apparent that it is the control room from the first film. A subtitle appears. "One week after 'The Incident'". The men grab hard drives from the supercomputers and laboratory equipment from the nearby lab. All remaining genetic samples, papers, and everything that makes JP possible is removed. Jumping ahead to present day: we see an Ingen boardroom, once again describing the economic horror that Jurassic Park has been on the company. Ingen, a diverse company specializing in genetics and biology has other departments and endeavors which are actually quite successful and the only thing keeping the company in the black. Ingen has decided to sell Jurassic Park and wash their hands of it. They don't care what the buyer wants to do with it or why. The company who is interested in the park is Biosyn, the original competing company for which Dodgson works. At this point in time, Dodgson is now CEO after snaking his way up the corporate ladder. We see a scene where Hammond is briefing an annoyed Ian Malcolm about what they've found in the years since the first film. Modern computers have broken the encryption used by Nedry in his communications with Dodgson, recovered from the material collected at the beginning of the film. It is now clear that the sabotage of the park was not the doing of one man. Hammond explains that one of the most lucrative products for Ingen has been a genetic stabilizer (made up term) which they named agent X (not intended to be the actual name- temporary). This agent was first created to make cloning dinos possible but has since proven to be the bread winner of Ingen in many other medical markets. Once the agent has been used and the animal has been matured, any effect or evidence of agent x's existence is gone, having served its purpose. Hammond explains that the agent is however, very noticeable and resilient while in test tubes, waiting for the cloning process to begin. Hammond explains that when the soldiers collected the remaining materials and evidence, they noticed one thing. Hammond hands a photo to Malcom of the missing DNA viles in the cold storage room. "A jeep was also missing from the garage", Hammond says. Hammond explains that Nedry must have stolen them, and taken a jeep to the dock. He explains that the dock would have been the only way off the island at that time. He also mentions the dock and ship have their own surveillance system which shows no jeep or Nedry arriving that night. Hammond concludes that Nedry must have been killed somewhere between the visitors center and the dock. Malcom sees no point in knowing this until Hammond explains that even though the DNA in those viles is long since degraded, the traces of agent x are more resilient and certainly in tact. The sale of the island to Biosyn will result in the eventual discovery of the jeep, the deceased Nedry, and in his posession, agent x. This will result in Biosyn having the secret to the most valuable product in Ingen's possession, and the possible ruin of all non-JP departments in Ingen, nullifying the entire point of the sale of JP related items - the preservation of JP as a whole. Hammond states that the sale has already gone through, Biosyn owns the island and a small group of individuals must sneak onto the island, navigate the overgrown and by now undetectable trail, [b]locate the jeep and agent x, and return it to Ingen without getting caught.[/b] Dodgson is a cruel man and any trespassers will most likely not be handed over to police, but dealt with quietly and brutally by Biosyn island security. Biosyn has not placed anyone on the island yet, but helicopters are surveying the animal populations and mapping nesting sites using thermal imaging... making island exploration very difficult even at night. Malcom cannot imagine who would want such a task. We see a college campus with Tim grown up and a genetic researcher with a love of dinosaurs, having overcome the horrific experience as a child and realizing the rare and amazing opportunity he had. He talks with his girlfriend, a biologist and aggressive conversationalist. She picks up an empty can on the ground and being obviously disgusted by the littering, places it into her purse. Tim asks "what are you going to do with it? Carry it around all day until you see a recycle can?" She replies "Yes". [i](we have scenes collecting members for the team. I have not thought of who or what their backgrounds are. They join Tim, his girlfriend, possibly Malcom and whoever seems right. No Dr. Grant - there's no way he'd go again and it would be too much of a stretch. I love Sam Neil, but it would just make the whole premise ridiculous. This may be the case for Malcom too, in which case the Hammond/Malcom dialogue will be changed to Hammond and somebody else.)[/i] The group takes a small, fast speedboat to the island. It is the type smugglers use to evade coast guard frigates. It is fast, stealthy and can get the group to the island without detection. They land near the dock, though rough sea's have smashed the boat into the rocks and it is unable to be used for the return home. Their two way radios are not powerful enough to call the mainland. They reason that they must get to the visitor center and hope some type of equipment was left that can be used to contact the mainland. This will be a risk because the transmission will be heard by anyone on that frequency and that includes island security helicopters. They have no choice. They begin their journey along what was once a maintained trail, deeper into the island and toward the visitor center and hopefully the jeep. [i](On the island we have encounters with security (which detected their broadcast and begins a hunt for them), close calls with dinosaurs and other exciting moments. I have not got these details yet, my plot serves as a vehicle to start the action with what I believe is a plausible mission to JP)[/i] After locating the jeep, they search the area. They find only a bone and a pair of eyeglasses in the jeep. They cannot find anything that seems to have DNA in it. Suddenly, Tim's girlfriend see's light reflect off metal embedded in the ground. She approaches and works a Barbasol can from the Earth. "Garbage" she says. "Can you believe it? Even on this island, way out here, garbage". She places it into her pack. She turns to TIm and smiles "Yes, until I find a recycling container". He shakes his head and walks off. Upset that they cannot find the DNA viles with agent x, but reasonably sure Biosyn personell will have no better luck, they decide the mystery of the viles will remain unsolved and make their way back to the boat they used to arrive. [i](They encounter one last run in with security and barely escape to their boat as their encounter with security is interrupted by a pair of Rexes, protecting their territory which has been badly intruded upon by both parties - again, details figured out later)[/i] They reach the boat and head back to San Diego. They exit the boat and lament at their failure. Tim's girlfriend pulls out the Barbasol can and states that it wasn't a complete failure, at least they got to clean up the island. She throws the can away into a nearby recycle bin, succeeding in their mission, as nobody will every realize it is no ordinary can and it will be destroyed with many others. The final scene is two Biosyn employees, walking through the control room with flashlights, commenting on how a lot of the equipment is missing. They do note that while some memory banks, drives, and other storage media is gone, some computers have been left - probably due to the size and weight restrictions as well as the retrieval crew's need for a speedy escape to avoid any dino interaction. One of the men throws a breaker switch, hoping to get the lights on (JP is geothermally powered so it still functions). There is no light and he comments that it didn't work. Just then, the other man hears a beep, looks over at an old CRT monitor which has a small amount of text at the bottom of the screen, "...Ready". [i](hopefully this last scene isn't too far fetched, but I think the possibility of Biosyn trying the whole JP thing and the mirror of the scene where they try to get JP running again by switching it off, then on is kinda eerie.)[/i] If anyone thinks this sounds like it has the makings of a great movie, let me know. I also have one alternate plot that gets Dr. Grant and any other original characters on the island plausibly and has a high action plot.


Interstellar-Movie.com AdminMemberCompsognathusDec-24-2012 4:28 AM
I like the pacing and character build-up. It has potential.


MemberCompsognathusDec-24-2012 9:19 PM
Thank you, Travlis. This is one of the few ways I can imagine a return to JP without people rolling their eyes. The other plot has more in-your-face action, but I think lacks the sense of adventure that I think JP has always had. Do you have any ideas of what JP4 should be?


MemberCompsognathusDec-27-2012 3:15 AM
Those a nice ideas. >.> I wish I was in JP4... Stars got it all made for them. Good luck to the cast of JP4. Make us proud to know the entertainment world has had atleast a few good ideas/innovations. I'm not insulting anyone.. Nope.. Not at all.. Nope. -marioland77 P.S. I would enjoy it if the Spinosaurus returns! (Please excuse me if my spelling is wrong) I would really love to see the outcome of JP4 next year. Good luck, cast and crew of JP4!! P.S. Make InGEN screw up good this time! P.S.S. Maybe a new test site secretly developed by InGEN arses?
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