Jurassic World Movies

Does anyone remember...

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MemberCompsognathusDec-07-2012 12:23 AM
There was a fan work that I was a huge fan of when I was a kid. Something like Jurassic Park: Chaos Theory. I'm pretty sure Chaos had something to do with the title. It was dense, had a lot of chapters to it, served as a definitive sequel to every Jurassic movie thusfar, and here's the zinger: WAS ILLUSTRATED ENTIRELY BY JURASSIC PARK ACTION FIGURES. So when I was a kid I'd read what was happening, and have a visual representation of everything that was happening, as well as clips from the soundtrack. The storyline even accommodated for the retconning in JP3, and described the crest and feathered raptors as a different species from the original, and a different species from those in the Lost World. Almost the entire principal cast returned: Grant, Malcolm, Tumbo, Nick, Harding. I'm sure there were more but I can't remember exactly. And the new dinosaur introduced was a Megaraptor, which I thought was pretty cool. And you got to see the Baby Rex from the Lost World make another appearance, which was also pretty cool. Anyone have any idea what this was called exactly and where it disappeared to?
2 Replies


Social LiasonMemberCompsognathusDec-07-2012 12:38 AM
Welcome to the forum Yeats : ) Is this it?? [url=http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1306984/combined]Chaos Island[/url]
\"My God, its full of stars\" David Bowman


MemberCompsognathusDec-09-2012 11:02 AM
Thank you! No, it's a FAN created work, and an e-book at that. But this looks really cool, even though IMDB doesn't say at all what this is.
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