Jurassic World introduced fans and Dinosaur enthusiasts to the franchise's first ever genetically modified hybrid - the Indominus Rex. However, during early production there were other hybrid Dinosaurs considered to be included in the film but were ultimately cut out. One of those other hybrids was a cross between a Stegosaurus and Triceratops - the Stegoceratops. This Dinosaur was teased in Dr. Wu's lab, and referenced in toy merchandising, but never realized in the flesh.
Thanks to concept artist Bodin Sterba we now have an official look at what the Stegoceratops would have looked like, had it been brought to life on film. Check it out:
What do you think of the Stegoceratops? Would you like to see this hybrid brought back forĀ Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and other sequels? Let us know in the comments!
Thanks to Jurassic Outpost for the news!
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