Jurassic World Movies

New Jurassic Park movie to film in the UK this year!

Scified2024-03-09 13:09:48https://www.scified.com/articles/new-jurassic-park-movie-film-the-uk-this-year-33.jpg
Written by Chris2,403 Reads0 Comments2024-03-09 13:09:48

The Jurassic World reboot will be ramping up production this year as it continues to aim for a July 2025 release date! New reports have confirmed the new Jurassic Park film will be filming out of Sky Studios Elsetree in the UK later this year! Per Deadline:

The new Jurassic World movie will become the third major film to shoot at Universal’s Sky Studios venue — after Wicked and Paddington 3 — which opened last year. The film is also expected to shoot in other global destinations — most movies in the franchise have filmed in Hawaii, though that hasn’t been confirmed as a destination. Previous Jurassic World movies had shot at Pinewood in the UK but this one will not be filming there.

Following on, director Gareth Edwards expressed his excitement for taking the reigns on the next Jurassic film with Variety and referred to the new film as a new "Jurassic Park" movie - curiously not referencing Jurassic World:

When I finally got to make my first film ‘Monsters,’ it was made in the true independent style — with a small cast and crew, a tiny budget and shot in just a few weeks. I learnt so much, so fast, and would definitely describe it was one of the most creative experiences I’ve ever had. Without that opportunity I would never have been given ‘Godzilla,’ ‘Star Wars’ and ‘The Creator’… And now as we organize shooting the new ‘Jurassic Park’ film in ‘a studio just outside London,’ I hope we inspire other new filmmakers to shoot small, but always dream big.

Whether his choice of Park over World is significant or not, we're thrilled to know production is moving along quickly! New details and 

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