Jurassic World Movies

Colin Trevorrow says he fought hard to change the franchise name from Jurassic Park to Jurassic World

Scified2020-07-30 18:16:00https://www.scified.com/articles/colin-trevorrow-says-he-fought-hard-change-franchise-name-from-jurassic-park-jurassic-world-20.jpg
Written by Chris9,801 Reads0 Comments2020-07-30 18:16:00

During a recent Comic-Con@Home interview with Collider, director Colin Trevorrow was asked if there was anything during production that he specifically recalls being a difficult sell to Stufio execs and his fellow producers and he reveals that changing the franchise name from Jurassic Park to Jurassic World was definitely one of the bigger hurdles he faced when he signed on to direct the fourth film:

I can think of one. One is changing the name of the franchise took some convincing. It was called Jurassic Park and, if you can imagine at the time they were pretty married to that. So me going in an writing a very carefully worded e-mail to Steven (Spielberg) asking if I could change the name of his franchise. It wasn't a fight but it took a weekend to figure that one out.

Evidently we can understand why the name change was such a hard sell - Jurassic Park was such an iconic name plate for decades. However, the re-badging did its job and has generated billions in revenue for Universal and the Jurassic franchise as a whole since its debut in 2015. The refreshed title also reflected the franchise's new direction which takes it's most daunting step in next year's Jurassic World Dominion, with Dinosaurs now residing on the mainland, unshackled and uncaged to roam free.

Are you glad they changed the name to Jurassic World? Or would you have preferred they kept with the Jurassic Park chronology? Let us know in the comments!

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