Jurassic World Movies

My Thoughts On Camp Cretaceous Season 4.

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MemberBrachiosaurusDec-22-2021 10:27 AM

Full Review: https://www.deviantart.com/sasquadash/art/Jurassic-World-Camp-Cretaceous-Season-4-Review-901512303 

(The following opinions may be different from your own)

Warning: Spoilers! 


"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."
8 Replies


MemberAllosaurusDec-22-2021 11:51 AM

posted a comment



MemberAllosaurusDec-23-2021 2:39 PM

I’ll post my comment here, because I don’t want to be seen on deviantart because I don’t trust that site.

Overall I agree with your analysis. It is probably the weakest season. I do enjoy the series, it’s not stellar but not terrible. My main problems with this season is, The brads (they seem weird to me in the JP universe) but that it doesn’t feel like JP anymore. On of the things about JP I have realized that I like is how contained it is. JP has never felt like it’s trying to be EPIC. 

But CC seems to be striving to make the JP world EPIC, I get other companies because logically other companies would try to compete. But now we’re thrown into a crime thing that doesn’t feel like Jurassic park to me anymore.

One thing that isn’t really much but gives me an excuse to talk about asthetics is the technology as touched on before it feels a bit FUTURY. While it looks nice it doesn’t land with me. I would like it to be blended to have more gritty technology seen in the past movies and even past seasons of CC. It feels weird.

I like the character arcs a lot actually, the romance subplot was the least interesting as I don’t particularly like seeing romance but it’s felt a lot more natural than other things I’ve seen.


expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberBrachiosaurusDec-23-2021 5:31 PM


I think the biggest problem with the B.R.A.D.s (and why they probably got such a backlash) is that their appearance was really unexpected and was something that hasn't really been seen in the series before, which came as a shock to some people (myself included). That, and the fact that they're not really something you would immediately think of when you think of Jurassic World. I don't necessarily think that their presence in the series is a bad thing, as they do add some new ideas and seeing prehistoric animals alongside more advanced technology is pretty cool at times, it's just something that takes time getting used to. I could potentially see the fandom warming up to them over time and accepting them as being part of the franchise. Considering some of the other bizarre concepts that were nearly made in the past, advanced robotics aren't too farfetched. Seriously, I'll gladly take the B.R.A.D.s over dinosaur-human hybrids, cyborg soldiers, and multi-headed dino mutants in the franchise any day. 

"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberAllosaurusDec-23-2021 8:45 PM

It still feels out of place for the Jurassic Park franchise which is about the dangers of genetic engineering and cloning extinct organisms, you can't genetically engineer nor clone a ROBOT



MemberAllosaurusDec-24-2021 12:57 AM


I agree with that, but something I’d like to bring up is the original themes of the book.

CC is doing a great job of showing themes left out of the movie like how Hammond was a dirty businessman in the book. CC showed up the less cared for and more neglected parts of JW and supported these original themes. 

The brads aren’t really related to this theme but I thought I’d point it out.

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberCompsognathusDec-26-2021 8:39 PM

 In the U.S., Jurassic World Dominion is scheduled to be released theatrically by Universal Pictures on June 10, 2022. The film was previously set for release on June 11, 2021, but it was delayed due to the pandemic.

MyMileStone Card


MemberBrachiosaurusFeb-11-2022 8:57 AM

stupid bots

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"


MemberBrachiosaurusFeb-11-2022 8:57 AM

stupid bots

"Do you love it that much? That... monster graveyard?"
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