Jurassic World Movies

Therizinosaurus Appearance in Jurassic World Dominion?!

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MemberCompsognathusDec-16-2021 3:28 PM

In the picture shown above we see the famous "claws" of the therizinosaurus hovering over Claire Dearing's head as she's hiding in the swamp water. This could open up a ton of opportunities and questions like, is it the main antagonist like the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World or just a small part like the Carnotaurus from Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. I feel like they wouldn't show the dinosaur if it didn't have a somewhat major roll in the movie. If you remember right, there weren't any Therizinosauruses on Isla Nublar, this could be where Mantah Corp comes into play. Let me know your theories and opinions are in the comments, I love seeing other people's takes on these.

2 Replies


MemberCompsognathusDec-20-2021 5:24 PM



MemberAllosaurusDec-21-2021 9:21 AM


someone else posted this I think, but I appreciate that you outlined it. 

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

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