Jurassic World Movies

New carcharodontosaur from Uzbekistan!

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MemberTriceratopsSep-08-2021 9:52 AM

Meet the Ulughbegsaurus, the newest big baddie to be discovered from 90 million years ago in Uzbekistan!

This find is crucial in understanding how tyrannosaurs became the apex carnivores in their environments as the carcharodontosaurs perished.  Ulughbegsaurus was a contemporary of Timurlengia, a specimen that paleontologists point to as proof that tyrannosaurs developed their great senses before becoming larger.  Timurlengia and its kin could not achieve their huge size until the carchs like Ulughbegsaurus relinquished their stronghold.

Link to the CBC article:  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/ulughbegsaurus-1.6166455?fbclid=IwAR3JdL0Dg3AXSnRGp2hCI2ZdRMu2N-S-BbVjzuxIpTR5K-8vad0L37Ztpow

3 Replies


MemberAllosaurusSep-08-2021 12:01 PM


yes this does clear a few things up

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberAllosaurusSep-11-2021 11:05 AM


Then summarize it for me

expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst


MemberCompsognathusSep-13-2021 4:43 AM

This is an important discovery when thinking about how dinosaurs moved about and spread.



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