Jurassic World Movies

Predators of Jurassic World (Art Thingie)

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MemberCompsognathusFeb-25-2015 1:41 PM

     Jurassic World is home to the world's most formidable predators of the land. It is difficult to comprehend the size, the tenacity, the weight of their teeth! And now, with the recent arrival of our greatest inhabitant yet, we at Jurassic World are proud to announce that we are holding a competition! Starting March 1st, we will be placing plastic models of Dimorphodon and Procompsognathus randomly all over the park, and if you find one of the many plastic models, you will be able to bring as many friends and family members as you wish to get up close to 5 of our amazing creatures! You will be able to train the Velociraptor, communicate with updated technology with our Alpha T.rex, and manually feed the calamitous Indominus! The contest will end on July 15th. What are you waitingfor? Get hunting!

     In the future, I may upload early concepts of the movie, which primarily are hypothetical illustrations of Indominus. Be sure to leave constructive criticism at the bottom for any opinions on my work. Thank you and goodnight!

4 Replies

noah eckeckenrode

MemberCompsognathusFeb-25-2015 2:04 PM

I see I-rex and T-rex but what are the other dinosaurs?


MemberCompsognathusFeb-25-2015 4:24 PM


Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusFeb-25-2015 5:30 PM

(Does the I. rex have four eyes in the picture?)


I'm slightly confused- how exactly are we supposed to find plastic models in a fictional park? Second, is this on the forums or on the JW website or whatever?

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusFeb-26-2015 5:06 AM

There is also Suchomimus, Velociraptor, and Metriacanthosaurus. This is mypersonal artwork. Would kinda suck if they belonged to Universal.

Also, you know how parks sometimes sell free tickets, coupons, and stuff? Sometmes they have "contests" of sorts, and this is a hypothetical example of how Jurassic World would give out special tickets.

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